Available Positions

Post-doctoral position for 2 to 4 years for an ERC-funded project

in Sorbonne Université / Inserm (Paris, France)

on the  Role of the Gut Microbiota in Host Cells Energy Metabolism in Health and  Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Scientific goal

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, are immune-related disorders characterized by inappropriate gut inflammation. Their incidence has increased dramatically in Western countries in recent decades, supporting the role of environmental factors. Despite the development of new treatments, IBD are insufficiently controlled in a large proportion of patients, inducing an alteration in the quality of life and a socioeconomic burden. A better understanding of the pathogenesis and identification of new therapeutic targets are therefore urgently needed. 

In this context, the gut microbiota has been recognized as a strong actor in IBD. Classical host-microbiota interaction concepts rely on the recognition of conserved microbial motifs by innate immunity sensors or on the action of microbial molecules on a host cell receptor. Additionally, energy metabolism plays a crucial role in mounting the appropriate cellular response, and an alteration in intestinal and immune cell energy metabolism has been suggested in the pathogenesis. Emerging data, including ours, indicate that the gut microbiota may directly affect it. 

The hypothesis underlying the current project is that the altered gut microbiota in IBD contributes to the impairment of host cell energy metabolism and pathogenesis. 

The aims of the project are to (i) identify the microorganisms and microbiota-derived metabolites impacting host cell energy metabolism and the mechanisms involved, (ii) decipher the consequences of gut microbiota alterations on host cell energy metabolism in IBD, and design new microbiota-based therapeutic strategies to manipulate the host cell energy state in IBD.


Partners involved: INSERM, Sorbonne Université, APHP, INRAE.

The post-doctoral scientist will work in Harry Sokol’s Lab (https://www.crsa.fr/equipe-philippe-seksik.html) in Saint-Antoine Research Center in the heart of Paris and in close collaboration with the ProbiHote Team in MICALIS Institute (Jouy-en-Josas, close of Paris). The position is vacant from March 2023 on a full-time basis and is integrated in an ambitious ERC-funded project.



Wild type, KO (including mice generated for the project) and germ-free mice will be used in combination with metagenomics, and targeted or untargeted metabolomics. Colitis models will be used. Experiments will also be done on primary human blood and intestinal cells. Results acquired in mice will be validated in human patient's sample using already constituted biobank.

Required skills:

The project will require a wide variety of techniques in different fields, including immunology, metabolism, microbiology, and animal experimentation. The candidate should have a recent PhD, be technically accomplished and have strong knowledge in immunology (expertise in flow cytometry is notably mandatory). The candidate should have the required authorization to perform animal experiments. Some skills in microbiology and intestinal inflammation would be a plus.

Besides the PI (Harry Sokol), the post-doctoral fellow will interact with senior scientists, other post docs, PhD students, engineers and technicians. He/she will also interact with other labs in France and abroad and with several platforms. The candidate will have to achieve the aims of the study and will have to regularly present the results to the partners involved.  


Qualified candidates should e-mail before August 30th 2023 a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and list of three references to Pr Harry Sokol at harry.sokol@gmail.com with “Post Doc ERC application” in the title of the e-mail.