Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Jan to May 2019

Course Information

Space: CRC 102

Time: E Slot. (Tue: 11AM, Wed: 10AM, Thu: 8AM, Friday: 4:50 PM)

Teaching Assistants: TBA

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the student should be able:

  1. To understand the use cases and limitations of machine learning.
  2. To recognise the type of learning problem suitable for a practical task at hand.
  3. To identify the data required for solving a given type of learning problem.
  4. To identify the right learning algorithms for solving a given learning problem. [KEY]
  5. To analyse (several) learning algorithms and identify the role of the various critical knobs in the algorithms. [KEY]
  6. To efficiently use various software packages for solving learning problems.
  7. To implement various learning algorithms from first principles. [KEY]


  • Mid-term: 20%
  • Final exam: 30%
  • Min-Quizzes: 15% (Best 3 out of 4)
  • Programming Assignments: 20 (10 for each assignment)
  • Programming Contest: 15%

Important Dates

Mini-Quiz 1: Feb 1

Mini-Quiz 2: Feb 22

Midsem: Mar 8

Mini-Quiz 3:Mar 22

Mini-Quiz 4: Apr 12

Assignment 1: Available on Feb 8. Due on March 1.

Assignment 2: Available on Mar 15. Due on April 12.

Data contest: Due April 26.

Reference Books:

Related Resources on the Web:

Reference material for Pre-requisites:

1. Undergraduate multivariate calculus.

1a. (Part A)

1b. (Part A and B)

2. Linear algebra.

2a. (Essence of linear algebra, youtube series)

2b. (Gilbert Strang course on Linear algebra.)


Gilbert Strang. Linear Algebra and its Applications.

3. Probability.


Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis. Introduction to Probability.

4. Basic Python/Numpy programming.


  1. Mini-quiz 1 to be held on Feb 1
  2. Programming Assignment 1 released on Feb 12 in Moodle. Part A due on March 1 11:55 PM.
  3. New worksheet released on Feb 17.
  4. Programming assignment 1 Part A, deadline extended to Sunday March 3, 11:55 PM.
  5. Mid-sem exam on March 8 Friday.
  6. Programming Assignment 2 released. Due March 29.
  7. Data contest released. Due April 26.
  8. Programming Assignment 3 released. Due April 26.

Supporting Material:

Class Notes/Slides:

Course instructional handout : pdf

  1. Introduction slides : Jan 16 : pdf
  2. Calculus/Geometry notes : Jan 17 : pdf
  3. Probability/Linear algebra/optimisation notes: Jan 18-25 : pdf
  4. Bayes classifier, learning from data : Jan 25-31 : pdf
  5. Regression : Feb5-13 : pdf
  6. Logistic Regression : Feb 14-19 : pdf
  7. Constrained Optimisation : Feb 19 -21 : pdf
  8. SVM : Feb 27-Mar 1 : pdf
  9. Decision Trees and Boosting: Mar 6 - 13 : pdf
  10. Ensemble methods: Bagging, Random Forests and Boosting : Mar 7-13 : Slides pdf
  11. Classification wrap up: kNN, ANN, Multiclass, Surrogate loss functions, Structured prediction : Mar 19-26 : pdf
  12. PCA : pdf
  13. Clustering: slides
  14. Collaborative filtering: pdf
  15. EM algorithm : Bishop Chapter 9
  16. Regularisation: TBA
  17. Learning theory : pdf


  1. Probability basics : Available on Moodle
  2. Mega-worksheet - Prerequisite/Regression/classification : pdf
  3. Linear algebra/least squares regression comprehensive worksheet: Gilbert Strang (4th Ed) book exercises from Sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.
  4. Classification worksheet: Gather from "Exercises" in the notes.
  5. Multiclass, clustering, PCA, collaborative filtering: pdf
  6. EM algorithm : pdf

Quiz papers/Solutions:

  1. Mini-quiz 1: Qn paper : Solutions
  2. Mini-quiz 2: Qn paper : Solutions
  3. Mid-sem : Qn paper : Solutions
  4. Mini-quiz 3: Qn paper : Solutions
  5. Mini-quiz 4: Qn paper : Solutions

Jupyter Notebooks:

  1. Multivariate-Normal illustration : notebook
  2. 1d-Regression illustration : notebook
  3. Programming assignment 1: Released on Moodle.
  4. SVM illustration: notebook
  5. Programming Assignment 2: Released on Moodle.
  6. Programming Assignment 3: Released on Moodle
  7. Lasso Regression illustration: notebook
