Harel Yedidsion - Ph.D.

This website provides an overview of my academic and personal life. 



Currently I'm working as a Research Scientist at Applied Materials Inc.  I'm part of the AI/ML team, and my role is to develop Reinforcement Learning solutions for scheduling and dispatching problems in semiconductor manufacturing.

Prior to my current position I was a postdoc fellow in the Computer Science Department at the University of Texas at Austin. My hosts were  prof. Peter Stone, and  prof. Raymond Mooney. I was part of the Learning Agents Research Group (LARG) and specifically I work on the Building-Wide Intelligence project (BWI), where we develop autonomous robots that would eventually become an integral part of smart buildings. This project encompasses almost every aspect of AI development including: Vision, Navigation, Manipulation, Human Robot Interaction (HRI), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Reinforcement Learning (RL), Planning and Multi-Robot Coordination.  

Previously I was a postdoc researcher in the Communications Systems Engineering Department in Ben Gurion University in Israel until August 2017. My advisers were prof. Michael Segal and prof. Danny Hermelin. We studied theoretical and practical aspects of using a team of physical mobile agents to maintain and collect data from a wireless sensor network.

I did my Ph.D. in the department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Ben Gurion University in Israel between 2011-2015. My thesis focused on developing a framework and distributed algorithms to represent and solve distributed mobile multi agent problems. My adviser was Dr. Roie Zivan. In our research we developed a framework to represent and solve dynamic multi agent problems in a distributed setting. Our model, DCOP_MST, is based on the static Distributed Constraint optimization (DCOP) framework and is adapted to Mobile Sensor Teams (MST). DCOP_MST was implemented and tested both on a custom software simulator and on a team of real mobile sensing robots. 

My main research interest is how to design intelligent multi agent systems such as teams of robots that can efficiently cooperate to solve tasks in a dynamic environment. 

On a personal level, I’m married and have three kids. In my spare time I enjoy traveling, and sports.

My CV can be found here

CV - Harel Yedidsion 2023-9.pdf