
I. Current teaching at Erasmus University

This is a Bachelor 2 economics course in which students work in groups on an empirical assignment in which students (i) can implement the Methods & Techniques acquired in the first two years, and (ii) prepare for their bachelor theses.

Course evaluations (relevance & organization): 4.1/5 (2017); 4.0/5 (2016); 4.0/5 (2015); 4.2/5 (2013)

Teacher evaluations: 4.1/5 (2017); 4.1/5 (2016); 4.0/5 (2015); 4.2/5 (2013)

This is a Bachelor 3 economics course in which students learn the intuition and application of the most convincing econometric techniques to establish causality: Matching, Twin Fixed Effects, Instrumental Variables, Difference-in-Difference, and Regression Discontinuity.

Course evaluations (relevance & organization): 4.7/5 (2017); 4.8/5 (2016); 4.8/5 (2014); 4.8/5 (2013); 4.5/5 (2012)

Teacher evaluations: 4.9/5 (2017); 4.9/5 (2016); 4.9/5 (2014); 4.9/5 (2013); 4.7/5 (2012)

II. Past teaching at Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • Health Economics (ECON6810)

This is a MSc economics course on Health Economics. Topics include Demand and Supply of Health Care, Health Insurance, Public Health Economics, and Behavioral Health Economics using the book of Bhattacharya et al. (2015).

Course evaluation: 5.9/6 (2016)

Teacher evaluation: 6/6 (2016)

  • Impact Evaluation (ECON6820)

This is a MSc/MPhil economics course in which students learn the intuition and application of the most convincing econometric techniques to establish causality: Matching, Twin Fixed Effects, Instrumental Variables, Difference-in-Difference, and Regression Discontinuity.

Course evaluation: 6/6 (2016)

Teacher evaluation: 6/6 (2016)