Commercial Real Estate Development/Management - Project & Operations Management


Steven E. Hanson

227 Martin Court,  Benicia, CA

  • 415-314-0172 •


Extensive background in project development - Contaminated property remediation and management – Property asset and operations management - CEQA entitlement - Public/private partnership enhancement – Community and public engagement




·         Settled 10 year litigation with Ingersoll Rand and resolved Imminent and Substantial Endangerment Orders via the transfer to UPC of the 12 acre Schlage site including $6 million in cash via a fixed-price Environmental Liability Transfer Agreement

·         Collaborated with the Visitacion Valley community and the CAC, obtaining objection free entitlement for 1,250 residential units at the former Schlage site including 105,000 square feet of retail, as a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) project. Demolition of old 550,000 square feet factory completed and environmental remediation underway.

·         Obtained approval of Environmental Remedial Action Plan (RAP) from DTSC for proposed land-use.

·         2009 Recipient of 2008 Business Times - Best Land Deal of the Year Award

·         Negotiated with Labor Unions ironing-out labor disputes with demolition contractors. Joined-forces with San Francisco “City Build” to assisting in local hiring programs.

·         Submitted Specific Plan for Brisbane Baylands, currently under City Environmental review for 8,000,000 square feet of mixed commercial development on 320 acre portion of the Baylands. The project to be a transit rich-green, energy natural  development with intermodal train/bus interface.

·         Maintained or enhanced net income from office operations including the high occupancy levels for office space at Executive Park –OB2 85% OB3 98% at the current time.

·         Enhanced and developed higher net revenues from other operations including large-scale soil collection and processing program underway at the Baylands. Annual revenues exceeded $5 million and increased UPC’s portion of revenues from these operations by 25%.

·         Progressively responsible for property, project, and development management for a large scale and diverse public property owner. Port representative for solicitation, selection, and negotiation with current Jack London developer for sale of ground leased assets and negotiation of ground leases for new construction. Entitled project budget: $400 million.

·         Obtained $25 million in public grants and loans from outside sources for various public development projects. Successfully managed the development of those projects.

·         Real estate representative on the management team for public project that included $70 million infrastructure improvements financed with revenue bonds, including public common areas and two multi-level parking structures.

·         Conducted real estate investment analysis, cash-flow and rate of return analysis for major real estate development projects for Jack London Square, marina development and other projects.

·         Created a CAM assessment program based on type of land use as well as the development square footage for a mixed-use shopping center. 

·         Directed the development, including entitlements, for a major $12 million public marina and associated infrastructure improvements. Managed $16 million JLS intermodal Amtrak Station project.

·         Collaborated with myriad local and regional permitting agencies including City Planning and the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Department of Toxic and Substance Control, Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) and  MTC, resulting in successful entitlements.

·        Recently (2019) completed a condominium subdivision in Berkeley  CA for an apartment building.  Completed on my own account


California State University, Hayward

Bachelor of Science,

Master of Public Administration, Public Finance Emphasis


  Principal,  Westwind Real Estate Consulting

  Berkeley, Oakland, San Francisco, Bay Area                                                                                    January 2010 to Present

 Provide consulting for entitlement and permit work, asset management, response to Request for Proposals, lease and acquisition negotiation, project management, business management, real estate development,           environmental cleanup  

 Universal Paragon Corporation (UPC)

San Francisco, CA                                                                                                                                          March 2005 - December 2009

General Manager

Managed all aspects of Universal Paragon Corporation’s (UPC’s) Northern California assets/operations. UPC, a land development and asset management company. Managed 21 full time employees in the San Francisco offices with departments that include finance, asset management, engineering, and entitlement/project management under authority of General Manager.


Port of Oakland              

Oakland, CA                                                                                                                                                     August 1979 – July 2004  

Commercial Real Estate Asset and Development Manager

Managed all aspects of commercial real estate, including development of operational budgets, capital and project budgets, strategic plans, development proposal requests, ground lease negotiation, office and retail lease negotiations.


Chair, North Hills Community Association --

Vice Chair, Civicorps - Charter School - Social Enterprise - Job Training

President, Lake Merritt Breakfast Club Charitable Foundation 

Board President, Association for the Preservation of the Presidential Yacht Potomac

2013, Past President of the Lake Merritt Breakfast Club 

Past Member  (2015 - 2017)  Wildfire Prevention Assessment District Advisory Board for District 1 - Appointed and approved by the Mayor and City Council, City of Oakland


Urban Land Institute

International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC)

SPUR - San Francisco Planning and Urban Research 

Bay Area Council – Speakers Panel - Bay Area Ross Program