Seabeck Haiku Getaway 2023 Kukai Winners

Congratulations to the following winners of the 2023 Seabeck Haiku Getaway kukai (our friendly annual haiku contest). The following poets placed in the top five places, based on total vote count, voted on anonymously, and these poems will be published in our 2023 Seabeck anthology.

First Place


when was the last time

we said yes

             P. H. Fischer


Second Place (tie)

water striders



             Lisa Gerlits


late-night rengay

a linked sequence

of coyote calls

             Jacquie Pearce


the box turtle

crossing the road . . .

still crossing the road

             Richard Tice


Third Place (tie)

the mountains

show their bones

first snow

             Dorothy Matthews



the meadow

on my sleeve

             David Watts

Fourth Place (tie)

empty clam shell—

the sound of her voice

in the evening tide

             Jacob Salzer


finding a way

through the corn maze

morning mist

             Michael Dylan Welch


a cold wind—

will she remember me

in the next life?

             Jacob Salzer


Fifth Place (tie)

salmon run

the family

we choose

             Aidan Castle


the last rays of sun

offered back to the sky

yellow maple

             Annette Makino


scent of blackberries

more and more

words disappear

             Nicholas Klacsanzky