Haiku Garden Poetry Readings

Welcome to the Haiku Garden site, where you'll find information about haiku readings hosted by Michael Dylan Welch

at the Japanese Garden in Seattle's Washington Park Arboretum

This website is currently inactive, but preserves information about the Haiku Garden reading series that ran from 2004 to 2009. Since 2009, haiku events have included a haiku contest as part of the garden's annual Moonviewing event, and other occasional readings and workshops. Some links and other data may no longer be accurate on this site.

The Art of Haiku

“The most subtle, the strongest and deepest art—supreme art—is the one that does not at first allow itself to be recognized.” —André Gide

Haiku Garden

Enjoy haiku poetry by award-winning local and visiting poets at the Japanese Garden, sponsored by the Japanese Garden Advisory Council. Haiku Garden readings have two featured readers, followed by an open reading of haiku and related poetry. Readings are outdoors at the north end of the garden, but a covered shelter is available in case of rain. Garden admission is $5.00 per adult, or $15 for a season pass ($25 for a family). Parking is free. See you at our next reading!

Garden Location

Seattle's Japanese Garden is located in Washington Park Arboretum, as shown in the following maps (see above).

About the Garden

The Japanese Garden is in Seattle's Washington Park Arboretum. This 3.5-acre formal garden was designed under the supervision of world-renowned Japanese garden designer Juki Iida in 1960. This enclosed garden features meandering paths, bridges, and ponds that give visitors a tranquil place for quiet reflection. It's an ideal place for a reading of haiku poetry, whether urban or natural, contemplative or edgy.

For More Information

For more information about Haiku Garden readings, please contact Michael Dylan Welch at WelchM@aol.com. You can contact the Japanese Garden at 425-861-9109 or by visiting www.cityofseattle.net/parks/parkspaces/japanesegarden.htm.

Don't Miss These Links!

Haiku and the Japanese Garden (essay)

Haiku and Other Links

Haiku Northwest



Future Haiku Garden Readings

Watch for more information about haiku readings planned for the the future, in conjunction with the Haiku Northwest group, and the Haiku Society of America.

2009 Haiku Garden Readings

The Haiku Garden reading series mostly took a hiatus in 2009, limited to Tanabata festival involvement.

2008 Haiku Garden Readings

Because of garden construction, readings in the 2008 series at the garden were limited to the Tanabata festival and a special "Haiku Day" on Sunday, June 29, 2008. Haiku Day activities included presentations by Michael Dylan Welch and Carmen Sterba on the ginko and kukai traditions in Japanese haiku. A ginko is a haiku-writing walk, and a kukai is a haiku-selection party. After these presentations, we enjoyed doing both activities.

2005, 2006, and 2007 Haiku Garden Readings

Details of these readings will be added later.

2004 Haiku Garden Readings

Each reading in the 2004 series featured two poets, followed by an open reading.

June 13 (Sunday, 1:00 pm) ~ HAIKU GARDEN

Featured poets: Alice Frampton and Carole MacRury

July 5 (Monday, daytime) ~ Tanabata Festival

Daylong festival in celebration of the reunion of the celestial wanderers, Altair and Vega (the cowherd and weaver), who are allowed a reunion only once a year. Events include a reading of haiku and related poetry by featured readers to be announced.

July 18 (Sunday, 1:00 pm) ~ HAIKU GARDEN

Featured poets: Mike Dillon and Pamela Miller Ness

August 15 (Sunday, 1:00 pm) ~ HAIKU GARDEN

Featured poets: Michael Evans (reading haiku) and Paul Nelson (reading "American Sentences")

August 28 (Monday, 8:00 pm) ~ Moon-Viewing Festival

Evening festival in celebration of the autumn moon, including a reading of moon and star haiku by Michael Dylan Welch, with musical accompaniment by Elizabeth Falconer.

September 11 ~ Haiku Workshop

"Come to Your Senses" haiku workshop led by Michael Dylan Welch, from 10:00 am to noon at the Montlake Community Center (1618 E. Calhoun Street, Seattle), then at the Japanese Garden for the afternoon. Inquire about registration fee.

September 12 (Sunday, 1:00 pm) ~ HAIKU GARDEN

Featured poets: Marilyn Sandall and Dean Summers

2003 Haiku Garden Readings

Each reading in the 2003 series featured two poets, followed by an open reading.


Featured poets: Ruth Yarrow and Michael Dylan Welch


Featured poets: Bob Major and Ce Rosenow

July 6 ~ Tanabata Tanka Reading

Featured poets: Margaret Chula, Amelia Fielden, Christopher Herold, and Michael Dylan Welch, at the garden's Tanabata Festival


Featured poets: Francine Porad and Christopher Herold (Francine was unable to attend, due to illness, but she prepared a selection of her poetry that was read by friends)

September 7 ~ Linked Poetry Reading

Readings of renku, tan-renga, haibun, rengay, and related Japanese linked poetry by members of the Haiku Northwest group.

September 8 ~ Moon-Viewing Reading

Evening reading by Michael Dylan Welch, with shakuhachi and koto accompaniment, of moon and star haiku by various poets.

September 14 ~ Haiku Workshop

"Come to Your Senses" haiku workshop led by Michael Dylan Welch, at the arboretum's Graham Visitor Center, then at the Japanese Garden for the afternoon.

October 5 ~ HAIKU GARDEN

Featured poets: Connie Hutchison and Mary Fran Meer

Site Copyright © 2004–2024 by Michael Dylan Welch.