Visit by Cardinal Charles Bo, Arch Bishop of Yangon, Myanmar

Post date: Nov 14, 2015 3:35:16 PM

Cardinal Charles Bo of Yangong recently celebrated his 67th Birthday by celebrating mass at Our Lady of Light in Long Crendon with Bishop Peter Doyle, Fr. Leszek Wisniewski. Fr. Eric Manley-Harris who retired as the Parish priest of Long Crendon a few years ago and a number of other priests from the local area.

At the start of mass both Bishop Peter and Fr Leszek greeted the Cardinal with whom they are well acquainted as they both visited Myanmar earlier this year to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the introduction of Christianity to that country and the Cardinal responded very warmly as he observed that a large number of the congregation were known to him.

It was a very happy occasion and the church was filled with local parishioners and members of the Burmese Community who had gathered to welcome the very first cardinal of Burma. The mass was followed by a celebratory dinner of Burmese food served in the church hall which was attended by a number of local personalities.

This was the first time a Cardinal has visited Long Crendon where we have a sister in residence from the Order of St Paul which was founded by Cardinal Bo in Myanmar (Burma)