alex mains

Hi, I'm Alex Mains. I have loved playing music since I can last remember. As a kid, I used to sit next to my dad and pretend to play the guitar with him because I thought the sound was absolutely amazing (I still haven't learned how to play guitar!). I then moved on to playing the piano. I quit later on down the road, but after choir class my junior year of high school, I taught myself how to play again. I can now play the piano once again (as people tell me, I can "fake" my way through the piano). I also sing anytime I can whether it's at home, church, in my car, etc. That's the amazing thing about your voice; it's an instrument that is always with you. Music has always been a part of my life.

I have been a Christian since I was a wee little boy. I grew up in the church and I have stayed there ever since (until college started up). I love God very much. I have learned throughout my life that God is full of surprises. I might think one thing about Him and then He decides to change it up and I learn a new thing about Him. One thing that I know is that no matter what happens God always has a plan for my life and I need to always trust Him through the good and bad times. That belief has gotten me through many stressful times. God is great!

Finally, how am I affiliated with GZUSLIVZ? Well, I sang for them originally. That was a lot of fun because I got to do what I love and do it for God. It can't get better than that! I then moved to playing the drums for the band. That was also fun to be able to learn a new instrument and play it for God every Sunday. I finally had to quit because I started teaching and doing skits for the church (I'm sure the band was very sad to see me go). In the fall of 2012 I went off to college to start a whole new adventure of ministry. Who knows what will happen next?