Lt Joseph Lamont Bamford

Kilrea Born Royal Flying Corps Ace - Lieutenant J L Bamford - Killed in Action and Buried in a German Cemetery

Lt Joseph Lamont Bamford, Royal Flying Corps       


All newspaper articles courtesy of Nigel Henderson, Great War Ulster Newspaper Archives

History Hub Ulster member, Gavin Bamford has recently undertaken research on a great-uncle who was Killed in Action during the Great War.  His research has identified that Lieutenant Joseph Lamont Bamford had been killed behind enemy lines and had been buried in a German cemetery.

Joseph Lamont Bamford was born on 5th January 1894.  He was the son of Joseph Bamford JP and Margaret Bamford, The Arcade, Kilrea, Co. Londonderry.  The Bamford's are still a well known family in the Kilrea and Garvagh areas.

Joe was educated at Coleraine Acedemical Institution. He is remembered on their War Memorial (see later picture).

Prior to the Great War starting, Joe (as he was known) worked for the well-known automobile engineers, Messrs J B Ferguson Ltd, Chichester Street, Belfast.  

Courtesy of Glenravel Local History Facebook group

He was also a member of Balmoral Golf Club.

Courtesy of Nigel Henderson, Great War Belfast clippings

On enlistment in 1915, Joe was posted to Commander Locker-Lampson's Armoured Car Squadron and served with that unit in France and Belgium.  He was 5' 9" in height. chest of 36", brown hair, grey eyes and had a fresh complexion.

RNAS record courtesy of Nigel Henderson, Great War Belfast clippings

The following year Joe gained a commission in the Royal Scots Fusiliers and was later transferred to the General List for service in the Royal Flying Corps (RFC).  He gained his 'wings' in August 1915.  During 1916 he served with 5 Reserve Squadron, RFC in Warwickshire.  Promotion to Lieutenant came in August 1917.

 Bamford is 3rd from left.  Luxmore is sitting front.

Photo courtesy of Tom Luxmore.

In 1917, Joe was posted to Salonika, Greece.  During his short service there, Joe had a marvellous escape from death through another aeroplane crashing into his at an altitude of 11,000 feet and sending it to earth.  He recuperated in Egypt having, to use his own words, escaped "with a view bruises and two splendid black eyes."  After remarking that in the collision the tail had been cut off his machine, the intrepid young airman describes his thrilling experience thus:  "I fell like a stone in a spinning nose dive for about 6,000 feet and, having to hold on with both hands, I could not get my engine shut off.  Eventually I managed to do it and the machine then turned upside down and started gliding at a more respectable pace, I being held in by my belt, which did its duty nobly.  I had a vertical gun going straight up above my head (and in this instance it was pointing straight down) which I thought would be better out of the way when I hit, so I undid the fastenings and let it drop overboard.  It was a jolly good thing that I did, as the mounts were knocked to bits.  The only control I had was lateral, viz., making one wing go up and the other down, and just before I hit I yanked it right over and I made the right wing strike the ground first, breaking the fall considerably.  I was a bit shaken up but was not by any means insensible".  2nd Lieutenant Bamford adds that the luck which he had could be judged from the fact that the only thing on the machine worth saving after the crash were two instruments.  He hoped soon to be back at the aerodrome, as he felt none the worse for his experience, which had not hurt his nerves a bit.  The fellow in the other machine was all right, his plane having escaped with slight damage.  They shook hands afterwards and congratulated each other that their respective Guardian Angels were abroad.  On the day before the accident, 2nd Lieutenant Bamford drove a Hun airman down in his own lines." 

The official accident report records that the 'crash caused the fuselage to break off, went down, spinning nose dive and glided upside down.  Machine finally fell on starboard wing'.

The accident was reported in the Coleraine Chronicle in April 1917 together with his decoration by the French government of the Croix de Guerre:

Joe was also 'mentioned in dispatches' by Lieutenant-General G F Milne CB, DSO, Commander-in-Chief of the British Salonika Army.  A 2nd 'mentioned in dispatches' is also recorded.

Courtesy of Stuart Roberts

A short while later, on 20th August 1917, Joe was reported as missing, believed killed.  Newspaper reports that there was no doubt about his death. 

Major J H Herring (No. 47 Squadron), his Commanding Officer records the circumstances of Lieutenant Bamford's death as follows:

"He, together with another pilot, each on single-seater scout machines, escorting a bombing formation to [Prilep].  On the return journey our machines were attacked by a considerably numerical superiority of the enemy.  Your son fought brilliantly for a long time, guarding the rear of the formation, on several occasions helping other of our machines out of extremely tight corners.  In the course of one of his engagements he had obtained position behind an enemy machine and was firing at it, and would undoubtedly have brought it down in a few seconds, when another hostile scout dived on him from a considerable height, firing as he came down.  Your son's machine was seen immediately to fall completely out of control, giving the impression that its pilot had been killed.  This machine fell thus until it reached ground, and on the morning of the 21st we received confirmation of his death from two captured German aviators.  I cannot say how deeply I sympathise with you in your loss of so fine a son.  He was known to me personally, and apart from his exceptional skill as a pilot and extreme courage, his bright personality and keenness for his work had made him one of the most popular pilots in the squadron.  His loss has been greatly felt and will be for a long time."

Another officer writes:

"It is with great grief that I write you about the death of your son.  He was killed in an air fight on 20th August.  He was fighting one Hun when another came up behind, and then, of course, it was all up.  He must have been killed instantly, for his machine came down entirely out of control.  They fought at 12,000 feet, and he fell in the Hun lines.  He has already been avenged, as we brought three of them down yesterday.  He died as I know he would have wished, swiftly and fighting as only brave men can fight.  He was a star pilot and fully recognised as such by his comrades.  I who have lived in a world of men and women would die happy tomorrow did I think that words of regret should be said and spoken of me as they have been of your son.  Spontaneous and whole-hearted as they have been, I have seldom heard their equal.  All of us who knew him extend to you our heartfelt sympathy, for deeply do we feel the loss.  Your son was a cheery and sincere friend and a great and gallant soldier."

Another officer writes:

"We all miss him greatly, as everyone who knew him loved him not only for his gallantry as a pilot, but for his delightful personality.  I feel that I have lost a friend.  It is all too sad that so valuable a life should have been sacrificed, and I do most sincerely grieve for you in this terrible sorrow."

[German air ace Gerhard Fieseler looks over the wreckage of Lt. Bamford's wrecked plane]

As Joe fell behind enemy lines, he was buried by the Germans in the Topolcani German Cemetery, Macedonia.  

In 1921, his body was later exhumed and reburied in the Salonika (Lembet Road) Military Cemetery, Greece.

He is also remembered on the Kilrea War Memorial,the family gravestone in Kilrea First Presbyterian Church and in Balmoral Golf Club.

Kilrea War Memorial


Balmoral Golf Club War Memorial


In addition to the French Croix de Guerre with Palm '1914 1916', he was also awarded the 1914-1915 Star, British War and Victory Medals.  Sadly this scarce medal group was auctioned in 1992, realising £396.

Coleraine Acedemical Institution War Memorial

Medal Index Card and clippings courtesy of Nigel Henderson, Great War Belfast clippings 

Images of Original Flight Report Documents from February to March 1917

[courtesy of Mike Kelsey]

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