
Pr. Guyeux has a record of about 150 scholarly publications. Since 2010, he published 58 articles in peer-reviewed international journals (as a co-author, including the top-ranked ones in the areas of computer science and interdisciplinary applications, such as IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, AIP Chaos, or Clinical Infectious Diseases). He is co-author of 1 book chapter and 3 scientific monographs. He is also author of 4 software patents, 73 papers that appeared in proceedings of peer-reviewed international conferences, and 8 articles in peer-reviewed international and national workshops. The full list of publications is reported in the related sub-headers. Pr. Guyeux h-index is 19, and the i10-index is 37 (resp. 17 and 35 since 2013) according to Google Scholar that counts 1,220 citations (1052 since 2013) as of September, 2018.
