
Dev has 3 years of work experience and 5 years of higher education in the USA, with 1 provisional patent, 14 peer-reviewed publications, 320+ citations, covered by international media, got his work tweeted by Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, Biocon. Experienced in the interdisciplinary field of biomimetics covering areas including biomedical, nanotechnology, biotechnology, coatings, interfacial science, tribology, and green science. A budding Artificial Intelligence enthusiast.

He is looking for the next opportunity in relevant areas.



- mosquito-inspired painless microneedle

- lotus-inspired less-sticky-leather which is self-cleaning and repels water and oil and liquid-repellent titanium

- desert-species -inspired water-harvester

- easy ice and snow-shedding surfaces

- and managed several people from international backgrounds and different expertise.

this is my brief resume 



MS and PhD: Ohio State University, USA.

B.Tech. : IIT Ropar, India


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