I am a Lecturer in Logic (continuing position) in the School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry at the University of Queensland, Australia. 

From 2022-2025, my research is supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DE220100544). 

I serve as an editor of Archive for Mathematical  Logic and Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing.

According to the Mathematics Genealogy Project, I am  one of the many academic descendants of G. H. Hardy through the path  G. H. Hardy - R. Rado - K. Gravett - John N. Crossley - John L. Bell - G. Priest - Z. Weber - me. 

Research Interests

Mathematical Fuzzy Logic and particularly model theory of many-valued predicate logics. Intuitionistic and bi-intuitionistic logic. Equality-free first-order logic. Second-order Logic. Relevant and paraconsistent logic. Modal logic.