At present I do not teach at all at Monash. In years past I taught the classes below.
- From 2014 to 2017: Financial Economics
The course covers the economic foundations of finance (financial equilibrium, securities pricing), some option pricing and the basics of corporate finance.
- From 2008 to 2010 I taught a graduate course in contract theory.
- Since 2017: Mathematics for Business
An introduction to mathematics for business and economics students.
- From 2015 to 2017: the Economics of Financial Market.
This is a primer on General Equilibrium Asset Pricing. I use Yvan Lengwiler's book, which seems to work well for (somewhat keen) undergraduate students, and add a little bit to it from Magill and Quinzii. That text is fantastic but (way) too demanding of most students.
- 2016: the Economics of Regulation.
The course covers standard topics of regulation and competition policy: market power, access pricing, externalities, network externalities, issues of adverse selection, vertical restraints. I also introduce incentive regulation. The main text is Kip Viscusi's (with Harrington and Vernon).
Somewhat earlier I developed pretty thorough course notes for "Managerial Economics" -- my version. It covers some IO, some incentive theory and some corporate finance. This is the 2011 iteration. It is incomplete and may contain typos, or worse, mistakes! Anyone is welcome to use them at their own peril. The only condition I would like you to meet is that if improvements are made, they be made available to me. I also have a batch of assignment and exam questions that I am happy to share, but for this contact me (guillaume.roger72[at]gmail.com).