Available Positions: Postdoc, PhD, MTech (Res), MTech, and Research Interns (please click on the links to get more information)

I welcome emails (in Hindi/Marathi/Tamil/English) from all students enquiring about all positions in my team. While I try to reply to each and every one, it is becoming increasingly difficult to continue doing so. If you don't hear from me within a week, please send me a reminder. If you don't hear from me even then, it is likely that your application did not excite me. For your email to catch my attention, please keep the following things in mind.

  • What my research entails?

My research consists of theoretical as well as experimental work. However, both build upon advanced probability topics such as measure theory and stochastic processes. If you are interested in working with me, it is important that you acquire working knowledge of these subjects either by attending related courses or by reading about them on your own. Please note that simply possessing advanced programming skills is NOT good enough to work with me.

  • What I look for in an email from a prospective candidate?

    1. A short report (< 2 pages) demonstrating independent thinking. This may include i.) a description of problem(s) you have worked on, ii.) what made them challenging, iii.) what were YOUR contribution(s) in the solutions that were eventually proposed and, finally, iv.) why you think the proposed solutions are better than those that exist in literature. You don't need to discuss all your projects, but only one or two important ones.

    2. A complete CV highlighting i.) the relevant math/CS courses along with grades, and ii.) research publications (if any).

    3. A brief demonstration (~500 words) of you having read one or more of my publications. This may include i.) a short description of what exactly excited you in my work and ii.) suggestions on how you think my work can be extended.

  • What I don't like in an email?

  1. Email trackers

  2. Someone asking for a position on your behalf. If you cannot apply on your own strengths, then you are NOT good enough. I will request for recommendation letters later, if needed.

  3. Generic request (especially those that are sent in bulk)