Math 411, Spring 2017

Introduction to Abstract Algebra I

Office: LGRT 1022

Office hours: M 9:30-10:10am, ILC S231; M 1:00-2:00pm LGRT 140; Tu 11:30am-12:30pm, LGRT 1022.

Grader: Yu Fu (

Syllabus: SylMath411Spring17Zhao.pdf

Exam information:

Exam 1: on Feb 24, in-class. Topics include Sections 1-5 on the textbook.

Exam 2: on Apr. 5, in-class. Topics include homomorphism, direct product, cosets, quotient group.

Final Exam: May 4, 8:00AM - 10:00AM, Integ. Learning Center S231. Cumulative.

Solutions to Quiz 3: Quiz3.pdf

Worksheet on coset and quotient group: WorksheetCosetsQuotientGroup.pdf

Worksheet on group action: WorksheetGroupAction.pdf

Tentative Schedule