I am the Gerald L. Schlessman Assistant Professor of Economics at Colorado College, Department of Economics & Business, and a Fellow at GLO (Global Labor Organization). I received my Ph.D. in economics from the Ohio State University.
A copy of my CV can be found here (or through google drive). My Google Scholar page can be found here. My ResearchGate profile can be found here.
Research Interests:
Macroeconomics and labor economics
My research resides primarily within the area of Macroeconomics, with an emphasis on topics related to Labor Economics. I am specialized in developing micro-founded heterogeneous agent general equilibrium models. I use the calibrated models to analyze a variety of policy-relevant issues. My current research focuses on the following two areas: (i) the impact of endogenous labor market frictions on business cycle outcomes and (ii) the interconnections between wealth and income inequality over the lifecycle.
Contact Information:
Economics & Business Department
Colorado College
Palmer Hall 101-A
14 E. Cache la Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Phone: 719-389-6416
Email: gyang@ColoradoCollege.edu