Publications and talks


[9] Enumerative and distributional results for d-combining tree-child networks, (with Y.-S. Chang, M. Fuchs, H. Liu and M. Wallner), Adv. in Appl. Math., 157, 102704  (2024).

[8] Counting Phylogenetic Networks with Few Reticulation Vertices: A Second Approach, (with M. Fuchs and E.-Y. Huang), Discrete Appl. Math., 320, 140-149 (2022).

[7] Enumeration of d-combining Tree-Child Networks, (with Y.-S. Chang, M. Fuchs, H. Liu and M. Wallner), LIPICS, AofA 2022, 225, Paper 5 (2022).

[6] Bijections for Ranked Tree-Child Networks, (with  A. Caraceni and M. Fuchs). Discrete Math., 345, Issue 9, 112944 (2022).

[5] Asymptotic Enumeration and Distributional Properties of Galled Networks, (with M. Fuchs and L. Zhang). J. Comb. Theory, Series A, 189, 105599 (2022).

[4] Universal Singular Exponents in Catalytic Variable Equations, (with M. Drmota and M. Noy). J. Comb. Theory, Series A, 185, 105522 (2022).

[3] On the Asymptotic Growth of the Number of Tree-Child Networks, (with M. Fuchs and L. Zhang), Eur. J. Comb., 93, 103278  (2021).

[2] The Number of Double Triangles in Random Planar Maps, (with M. Drmota),  LIPICS, AofA 2018, 19:1-19:18 (2018).

[1] On 2-Protected Nodes in Random Digital Trees, (with  M. Fuchs and C.-K. Lee), Theor. Comput. Sci., 622, 111-122 (2016).

[arXiv] A Short Note on the Exact Counting of Tree-Child Networks, (with M. Fuchs and H. Liu). (2021).

[arXiv] Expected Number of Pattern and Submap Occurrences in Random Planar Maps. (2020). 


Galled Tree-Child Networks, (with Y.-S. Chang, M. Fuchs), LIPICS, AofA 2024, Accepted on 29 Apr. 2024. 

Discrete Appl. Math.,


Refined Enumeration of Planar 3-connected Closed Normal Lambda Terms, (with  W. Fang and K. Grygie).

An Analytic-Combinatorial  Approach to One-Component Phylogenetic Networks, (with M. Fuchs and H.-K. Hwang)

Planarity of Galled Network, (with H. Liu and T. Wu)

Level-2 of Phylogenetic Networks,  (with H. Liu and T. Wu)


Master thesis: The Number of 2-Protected Nodes in Tries and PATRICIA Tries, NCTU, (2014).

PhD thesis: Pattern Occurrences in Random Planar Maps and Catalytic Functional Equations, TU Wien, (2019).


August 2, 2014

Hsin-Miao Combinatorics Conference, Taipei (NTNU), Taiwan.

"The number of 2-protected nodes in tries and PATRICIA tries"

November 30, 2015

SFB-Stastusseminar 2015, Strobl, Austria.

"The probability of rooted pattern occurrences in random planar maps"

January 19, 2016

SFB-seminar, Vienna (TU Wien), Austria.

"The number of 2-protected nodes in tries and PATRICIA tries"

October 30, 2017

Workshop for Junior Researchers on Analytic and Enumerative Aspects of Combinatorics, Taipei (Academia Sinica), Taiwan.

"Random maps and their pattern occurrences"

December 4, 2017

SFB-Stastusseminar 2017, Strobl, Austria.

"Pattern occurrences in planar maps"

May 22, 2018

NCTU (math)-seminar, Hsinchu (NCTU) , Taiwan.

"Analysis of random rooted planar maps via generating functions"

June 19, 2018

SFB-seminar, Vienna (TU Wien), Austria.

"The number of double triangles in random planar maps."

June 28, 2018

2018 AofA Conference, Uppsala, Sweden .

"The number of double triangles in random planar maps."

October 29, 2018

Joint workshop of ANR-FWF-MOST, Vienna (TU Wien), Austria.

"The difference between patterns-counting and subgraphs-counting in random rooted planar maps."

November 25, 2019

University Vienna Combinatorics working group, Vienna (Uni. Wien), Austria

"Finding the bijection of Noam's conjecture."

December 7-8, 2019

2019 TMS Annual Meeting, Taichung (NCHU), Taiwan.

"The number of pattern occurrences in random planar maps."

December 12, 2019

NKNU (math)-seminar, Kaohsiung (NKNU), Taiwan.

"History of finding the bijections between Plane Partitions and Alternating Sign Matrices."

December 25, 2019

NCCU (math)-seminar, Taipei (NCCU), Taiwan.

"Counting the number of pattern occurrences in random planar maps via generating functions."

October 12-13, 2020

15th Computational Logic and Applications (CLA2020), Online.

"In search of a bijection between β-normal 3-indecomposable planar lambda terms and β(0,1)-trees" (with Katarzyna Grygiel)

October 30, 2020

Workshop On Analytic and Enumerative Combinatorics, Taipei (NCCU), Taiwan.

"In search of a bijection between β-normal 3-indecomposable planar lambda terms and β(0,1)-trees" (with Katarzyna Grygiel)

December 10, 2020

NSYSU (math)-seminar, Kaohsiung (NSYSU), Taiwan.

"On the study of phylogenetic networks" (with M. Fuchs and L. Zhang)

March 4, 2021

NKNU (math)-seminar, Kaohsiung (NKNU), Taiwan.

"On the study of phylogenetic networks" (with M. Fuchs and L. Zhang)

March 25, 2021

NCKU (math)-seminar, Tainan (NCKU), Taiwan.

"On the study of phylogenetic networks" (with M. Fuchs and L. Zhang)

December 7, 2021

NCYU (math)-seminar, Hsin-Chu (NCYU), Taiwan.

"On the study of phylogenetic networks" (with M. Fuchs and L. Zhang)

December 17, 2021

SCU (math)-seminar, Taipei (SCU), Taiwan.

"On the study of phylogenetic networks" (with M. Fuchs and L. Zhang)

January 18, 2022

TMS Annual Meeting,  Taipei (AS), Taiwan

''Enumeration of d-Combining Tree-Child Networks''

June 1, 2022

NPTU (math)-seminar, PingTung (NPTU), Taiwan.

"On the study of phylogenetic networks" (with M. Fuchs and L. Zhang)

June 21, 2022

AofA 2022, Philadelphia (UPenn), PA, USA

''Enumeration of d-Combining Tree-Child Networks''

October 24, 2022

NSYSU (math)-seminar, Kaohsiung (NSYSU), Taiwan.

''Enumeration of d-Combining Tree-Child Networks''

February 21, 2023

NKNU (math)-seminar, Kaohsiung (NKNU), Taiwan.

"My Recent Study: Phylogenetic Networks" 

March 27, 2023

NTHU (math)-seminar, Hsinchu (NTHU), Taiwan.

''Counting phylogenetic networks via bijective proof''

July 11, 2023

Conference on Graph Theory and Combinatorics, Hualien (NDHU), Taiwan.

''Bijections for phylogenetic networks''

September 4, 2023

One-Day Workshop on Combinatorial and Stochastic Plylogenetics , Taipei (NCCU), Taiwan.

''Bijections for phylogenetic networks''

September 8, 2023

Mathematics of Evolution-Phylogenetic Trees and Networks , Singapore (NUS), Singapore.

''Bijections for phylogenetic networks''

June 17, 2024

AofA 2024, University of Bath, Bath, UK

''Galled Tree-Child Networks''

June 27, 2024

University of East Anglia (School of Computing Sciences)-seminar, Norwich (UEA), UK.

''Galled Tree-Child Networks''

August 22, 2024

Hsin-Miao Combinatorics Conference, Pingtung (NPTU), Taiwan.
