
Journal Publications:

Sharing Economy and On-Demand Platforms    

1. Peer-to-Peer Product Sharing: Implications for Ownership, Usage and Social Welfare in the Sharing Economy, with Saif Benjaafar, Xiang Li* and Costas Courcoubetis.  2018, Management Science.  65(2):477-493.                                 

       - Featured article and Top 20 most downloaded papers at Management Science, top 1% most downloaded articles at SSRN, ISI Highly Cited Paper.

        - The 2022 Management Science Best Paper in OM Award, Winner

        - The 2021 MSOM Service Management SIG Best Paper, WInner

- The 2016 POMS-HK Best Student Paper Award, Finalist (Xiang Li)

        2. Labor Welfare in On-demand Service Platform, with Saif Benjaafar, Jianya Ding* and Terry Taylor.  Forthcoming  in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.     

          - The 2018 INFORMS Service Science Cluster Best  Paper Award, Finalist   

      3 .We Are on the Way: Analysis of On-Demand Ride-Hailing Systems, with Zizhuo Wang and Guiyun Feng*.  Forthcoming in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.  

        - The 2017 CSAMSE Annual Conferences Best Paper Award, Honorable Mention                                                                

 -  Selected for Service SIG Conference 2017

      4.  Making the Most of Your Regret:  Workers’ Relocation in On-Demand Platforms. with Yinghao Zhang and Zhong-Zhong Jiang.  Forthcoming  in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 

         - The 2018 INFORMS Service Science Cluster Best  Paper Award,  Finalist  

         -  ISCOM 2019 Best Paper Award, First Prize

         - CSAMSE 2019 Best Paper Award, Third Prize   

       5. Is Kindness the Magical Spell? The Role of Information and Reciprocity in Revenue-sharing Crowdfunding , with Laurens Debo and Behrooz Pourghannad*.

         -  Selected for SIG Conference FintechTrack 2021

       6.  Operations and Incentives in On-demand Doctor Platforms, with Jingxuan Geng* and Marco Qin, under second round review after "reject and resubmit" decision in Management Science.

           - The 2020 INFORMS Service Science Cluster Best  Paper Award, Finalist  (Jingxuan Geng) 

           - Young Scholars Interdisciplinary Research Award, 2020

       7.  Timing Matters: Sourcing On-Demand Workers on Freight Platforms,  with Ziqi Dong and Qiuping Yu, working in progress

       8.  An Empirical Analysis of Sequential Diagnostic Decisions for Bike Return, with Sampath Rajagopalan and Hailong Cui, working in progress

Supply Chain Management    

1. Revenue Sharing and Information Leakage in a Supply Chain, with Sampath Rajagopalan and Hao Zhang. 2013, Management Science, 59(3), 556-572. 

- The 2011 POMS Best Student Paper Competition, Finalist 

       2. Is Simplicity the Ultimate Sophistication? The Superiority of Linear Pricing, with Tony Cui and Behrooz Pourghannad*.  2020   Production and Operations  Management 29(7),  


- The 2018 POMS College of Behavioral Operations Management Junior Scholar Award, Finalist (Behrooz Pourghannad)

      3.  Referral and Learning on Social Networks: Implications for Newsvendor, with Ankur Mani and Yuanchen Su*. under revision after "reject and resubmit" decision in Management Science.

      - The NET Institute Summer Grant 2018

       4. To Hinder or to Facilitate: Retailers’ Strategy of Consumer Information Sharing and Target Segment, with Guang Li and Buqing Ma. under second round review in Production and Operations  Management. 

       5. Doing Well by Doing Good to Others: The Operational Incentives of Charitable Giving, with Shaokuan Chen, Ganesh Janakiraman and Alp Muharremoglu. 

       6. Trade Credit or Wholesale Price? The Role of Information Sharing in Supply Chain Financing, with Abhishek Roy, Muyan Xie and Erbao Cao.

Service Operations and Healthcare Policies in Pandemic

1. Contract Design by Service Providers with Private Effort, with Hao Zhang and Sampath Rajagopalan.  2017,  Management Science.  64(6):2672-2689.

2. Pricing Diagnosis-Based Services When Customers Exhibit Sunk Cost Bias, with Sampath Rajagopalan and Chunyang Tong. 2018,  Production and Operations Management 27(7),  1303-1319. 

        3. All Gains, No Pain? Optimal Promotion Strategies with Delay Sensitive Customers. Under revision in Production and Operations Management. 

        4Hospital Admission and Social Distancing Intervention in Covid-19 Pandemic: An Operations Management Perspective, with  Zhiyuan Chen.  Accepted in Production and Operations Management. 

        5.. No Panic in Pandemic: The Impact of Individual Choice on Public Health Policy and Vaccine Priority, with  Zhenghuan Zhang*,  Miao Bai and Ying Cui. Accepted in  Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.     

       -  Post-Pandemic Supply Chain and Healthcare Management Best Paper Award 2021 - Winner

       -   Best Problem-Driven Analytical Research Paper award for the 2021 Decision Sciences Annual Conference - Winner

       -  The 2021 POMS  HOCM (College of Humanitarian Operations and Crisis Management) Best Paper Award – Runner up

       -  Media mention:  A co-ed based on this research has been published  in The Hill

Book Publications:

     1. Information Leakage in Supply Chain, with Sampath Rajagopalan and Hao Zhang. Handbook of Information Exchange in Supply Chain Management (eds. Albert Ha and Christopher Tang), 313-341. 

     2. Peer-to-Peer Product Sharing in the Sharing Economy, with Saif Benjaafar, Xiang Li and Costas Courcoubetis. Sharing Economy: Making Supply Meet Demand, Ming Hu (Ed.), in Springer Series in Supply Chain Management , Christopher Tang (Series Ed.).

Conference Proceedings: