Compiler Tools

Here you can download all the tools you require. From Compiler programs to compiler tools and other requirements like HLFix and ResGen.

Compiler tools are programs that are used to compile your map from RMF / MAP format to BSP format that games that are based on HL Gold Source engine can read.

Best known compiler so far is Compilator 3.0 BETA 1.5 | (Alternate download on this page)

Best known compile tools so far are VHLT tools v34

Use Hammer Floating Point Enabler for .MAP export - Best accuracy and best compatibility with VHLT compile tools

HLFix is a tool that does better RMF to MAP conversion than Valve Hamemr editor, it fixes some bugs.

RESGen is a tool that generates a RES file that holds all info on what external resources is the map using.


Update 05.12.2011. - Added new VHLT v2.5

Update 09.09.2012. - Added new VHLT v2.9

Update 14.12.2012. - Added new VHLT V3.0 >

Update 28.07.2013. - Added two new compilers!

Update 29.10.2013. - Added newest version for Compilator 3 BETA and VulzaCN ZHLT

Update 23.12.2015. - Added new VHLT V3.4 (Release date 2015/8/17) , page text update, alternate links update