Building Code and Restrictions

1. Initial structures will be not more than 10 total rooms (including any garden, courtyard, or other exterior area).

2. Each building will have an Officers' Prize Closet added by the MHO guru during building. The entrance to the room is hidden, and it can only be accessed by group officers. The appearance of this room is pre-set and will not be customized.

3. The general theme of your structure must fit appropriately into the surroundings and town. The Town GM and the Worlds SGM will have the final word on whether your structure is appropriate to the setting. See #7 as well for specific information on town limitations.

4. In addition to #3, the MHO GM will have final say on requests relative to anything that doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of the Town GM and/or the Worlds SGM.

5. Groups should negotiate their location directly with the MHO GM rather than contacting Town GM directly. The MHO GM will be the central point of contact for all location questions.

6. Groups based in Ta'Illistim should be aware that no buildings will be approved to be built inside the city limits unless they are for a group that is strictly elven in purpose. Additionally, group officers must be full elves and full citizens of Ta'Illistim, and membership must be restricted to those with full or partial citizenship.

7. Structures that contain reference to any military and/or political office or building may be denied based on building location. Currently, structures in Ta'Vaalor and Ta'Illistim may not contain such references.

8. While in-game alliances are encouraged, no structure may contain reference to another MHO (existing or closed). Your structure needs to remain specific to the applying group and all references contained within should remain specific to that MHO.

9. All structures are limited to two physical buildings. (ie: the main building and an "off-site" garden shed, or a connected gazebo, or some guest quarters.)

10. All room descriptions are limited to 511 characters. This includes spaces, and each sentence must be separated by two spaces.

11. Rooms with windows/openings to the outside (a window that looks into a kitchen area does not qualify) OR rooms that are outside, can have both day/night descriptions for the room - this should only be done if your initial room text refers to ambient lighting. (ie: Sunlight pours in from a small window in the ceiling.)

12. All room titles must adhere to the following nomenclature: "Area, Room Name" - this is limited to 31 characters, including spaces. (eg: [Structureville Woods, Kitchen])

13. All room descriptions, room titles, objects, and any other request within the structure application, will be subject to current ALTER rules.

14. Some rulings may occur that are not specifically listed in this Building Code and Restrictions outline.

15. Previously allowed structures and/or requests may not fall under the current guidelines. While changes will not be made to existing structures (at this time), historical creations will not have any bearing on current structure applications.

16. Have fun with this! Following the above outline will ensure that your application can be handled in a smooth and swift fashion, and get your structure through the building process more quickly.