Greg Blekherman


Georgia Tech



Research Interests

Combinatorics at Georgia Tech 

Georgia Tech has thriving research groups in all areas of combinatorics, including probabilistic, algebraic, extremal, and additive combinatorics, and graph theory. See more here.

Semidefinite Optimization and Convex Algebraic Geometry 

Pablo Parrilo, Rekha Thomas and I edited "Semidefinite Optimization and Convex Algebraic Geometry", which is now out as Volume 13 in SIAM Optimization Series. You can download a free pdf version of the book here.

Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization (ACO)

I am an associate director of the Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization (ACO) program at Georgia Tech.

SIAM Activity Group on Algebraic Geometry SI(AG)2

I served as the chair of the SIAM Activity Group on Algebraic Geometry from 2021-2023. Please join us for the SIAM AG25 Meeting!

SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry

I am an associate editor for SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry.

Southeast Center for Mathematical Biology

I am part of the NSF-Simons Southeast Center for Mathematical Biology. Together with Dan Goldman we are working on understanding principles of animal locomotion and applications in robotics.

BIRS-MSRI Summer School on Sums of Squares Method in Geometry, Combinatorics and Optimization

Together with Annie Raymond and Cynthia Vinzant I organized a two week summer school, July 31-August 12 2022. Further information is here. Problem sets from the first week are below.

Greg Problem Set 1 is here.

Greg Problem Set 2 is here.

Greg Problem Set 3 is here.

Papers and Preprints


Real Algebraic Geometry and Optimization

Tensor Rank and Matrix Completion

Moment Problem

Math Biology




School of Mathematics

Georgia Tech

686 Cherry Street

Atlanta, GA 30332