All about us and what we do...

  • Clear pricing, without extra charges.
  • Complete customer satisfaction...or the job is done without charge.
  • Ongoing support for the Quinte Humane Society , with a free full grooming for anyone adopting a pet through the society.
  • Providing free nail clippings and basic tidy up services to all appointment required.
  • All pets treated with compassion and dignity. There are no exceptions.

Joanne Savage, proprietor of The Groomery, is a classically trained professional groomer. Her skill sets were developed through a rigorous 4 year apprenticeship program at the Westmount Dog Boutique in Montreal, and then with over fifteen years of applied experience in the industry. Having developed new concepts and ideas related to the grooming process, she began to formulate what would become a unique type of grooming shop.

In the Spring of 1998, Joanne opened her own shop in the village of Stirling, Ontario. She called it The Groomery.

Since then The Groomery has established a new standard for pet grooming. Utilizing an open concept shop to allow clients full access to their pets in the grooming process, each pet is assigned a specific appointment. The grooming process is started and finished in a series of steps, without the pet being shunted aside and caged. This reduces stress, both for the groomer and the pet.

Ms. Savage also began a program of common sense related to the grooming experience.

If you have any questions, or would like more information

Contact us: The Groomery