

Sovereign Debt and Credit Default Swaps with G. Chaumont and B. Sultanum

Journal of International Economics, 150, 2024, 103921 (special issue on Sovereign Default)

Additional: Reproduction | Slides (Short) | Slides (Long)

On Regional Borrowing, Default, and Migration with P. Guerron

Journal of International Economics, 150, 2024, 103916 (special issue on Sovereign Default)

Additional: Reproduction | Appendices | WP |  |  MarketWatch | FRBR WP (old version)

Incarceration, Employment and Earnings: Dynamics and Differences with J. B. Jones, U. Neelakantan, and K. Athreya

Review of Economic Dynamics, 51:677-697, 2023

Additional: Bostic via Fox Business | FRBR WP (old name) | EB

Efficient VAR Discretization

Economics Letters, 204:109872, 2021

Additional: Reproduction | Appendices

Accounting for the Rise in College Tuition with A. Hedlund

Education, Skills, and Technical Change: Implications for Future U.S. GDP Growth, Ed. Charles R. Hulten, Ed. Valerie A. Ramey. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2019. 357-394

Additional: Published Version | NBER Volume | NBER WP | Web Appendix | WSJ |  MarketWatch | Forbes | Heritage Foundation | Marginal Revolution | Inside Higher Ed | Schiff | Zero Hedge | American Action Forum (Non-technical Summary)

A Practical Approach to Testing Calibration Strategies with Y. Cao

Computational Economics, 53(3):1165-1182, 2019

Additional: Published Version | CAEPR WP 2016-004 | Tools and Reproduction

A Divide and Conquer Algorithm for Exploiting Policy Function Monotonicity with S. Qiu

Quantitative Economics, 9(2):521-540, 2018 (Lead article)

Additional: Appendices | Main Fortran module | Reproduction | Slides (Old Version) | CAEPR WP 2017-006

Dynamics of Investment, Debt, and Default with P. Guerron

Review of Economic Dynamics, 28:71-95, 2018

Additional: Philadelphia Fed WP 13-18 | Reproduction

Asymmetric Business Cycles and Sovereign Default with P. Guerron

Economics Letters, 161: 116-119, 2017

Optimal Bankruptcy Code: A Fresh Start for Some

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 85:123-149, 2017

Additional: Reproduction | Credit Slips

Nonlinear Adventures at the Zero Lower Bound with J. Fernandez-Villaverde, P. Guerron, and J. Rubio-Ramirez

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 57:182-204, 2015

Additional: NBER WP | Reproduction

Evaluating Default Policy: The Business Cycle Matters

Quantitative Economics, 6(3):795-823, 2015

Additional: Appendices | Reproduction

Dealing with Consumer Default: Bankruptcy vs Garnishment with S. Chatterjee.

Journal of Monetary Economics, 59(S):S1-S16, 2012

Additional: Appendices

Working papers

Accounting for the Rise in College Tuition across U.S. Colleges with A. Hedlund

Funded by NSF Grant 1730078

Additional: WSJ

Efficient Computation with Taste Shocks

Works in progress

Tuition Growth Over the Long Run with A. Hedlund

A Quantitative Theory of Hard and Soft Sovereign Defaults with P. Guerron

Additional: Slides

Decomposing the Racial Wealth Gap with K. Athreya, J. B. Jones, and U. Neelakantan

The Roots of Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises with G. Chaumont and B. Sultanum

Additional for related work on GameStop and AMC:  WSJ | EB

Fed publications

Economic Quarterlies

Computing Dynamic Heterogeneous-Agent Economies: Tracking the Distribution

Economic Quarterly, 106(2):61-95, 2020

Additional: Matlab Code for Smolyak Interpolation  | PIER Working Paper 11-018

Economic Briefs

Return-to-Office Orders: A Survey Analysis of Employment Impacts

Economic Brief, May 2024, No. 24-16

Mortgage Spreads and the Yield Curve

Economic Brief, August 2023, No. 23-27

Additional: Reproduction 

The Effects of Higher Borrowing Costs: Insights from Sovereign Default Models

Economic Brief, July 2023, No. 23-22

How Do Real Exchange Rates Vary in Hard and Soft Sovereign Defaults? with B. Fuller and P. Guerron

Economic Brief, October 2022, No. 22-40

Do Student Loans Drive Up College Tuition? with A. Hedlund

Economic Brief, August 2022, No. 22-32

GameStop, AMC and the Self-Fulfilling Beliefs of Stock Buyers with G. Chaumont and B. Sultanum

Economic Brief, April 2021, No. 21-13

Additional: WSJ

Incarceration's Life-Long Impact on Earnings and Employment with U. Neelakantan

Economic Brief, March 2021, No. 21-07 

Additional: Bostic via Fox Business (duplicate of RED link)

Loan-Delinquency Projections for COVID-19 with J. B. Jones and J. Romero

Economic Brief, April 2020, No. 20-05

Additional: Supporting WP with J. B. Jones

Linking Municipal Defaults to Inward Migrations with P. Guerron and and D. A. Price

Economic Brief, November 2019, No. 19-11


Tax Revolts and Sovereign Defaults by Fernando Arce, Jan Morgan, and Nicolas Werquin

Decentralization and Overborrowing in a Fiscal Federation by Si Guo, Yun Pei, and Zoe Xie

Sovereign Default Risk and Firm Heterogeneity by Cristina Arellano, Yan Bai, and Luigi Bocola

Financial Frictions, Assets Prices, and the Great Recession by Zhen Huo and Victor Rios-Rull