Greg Kessler has published extensively and delivered invited talks  around the world.  He is a professor of Innovative Learning Design & Technology in the Educational Studies department at Ohio University. His research addresses technology, teaching, learning, culture and language with an emphasis on teacher preparation and curricular design. He has held transformative  leadership positions, including president of the computer assisted language instruction consortium (CALICO), president of  the Ohio teachers of English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) and chair of the TESOL CALL interest section. He has been an editor for numerous monographs, special issues and serial publications, including the   TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, CALICO Equinox book series, Advances in CALL Practice & Research,  and the Language Teaching & Technology forum in the journal Language Learning & Technology among others. He has most recently been Fulbright Canada Research Chair of Digital Technologies and Sustainability in the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary.


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Recent Scholarly Activities


Kessler, G. (2024). Keynote: The Past, Present and Future of Artificial Intelligence. Technology Enhanced Language Learning International Conference (TELIC). Online.

Kessler, G. (2024). Promoting Engagement Through Immersive CALL Experience. School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures, University of Calgary. Calgary, Canada.

Kessler, G. (2024). Fulbright Lecture: AI in Everyday Life: Past, Present, Future. Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. Calgary, Canada. 

Kessler, G. (2024). Promoting Engagement Through Immersive CALL Experience. Arizona CALL Conference. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ.

Kessler, G. (2024).  The Future of Language Education. American Association of Teachers of Korean. American Association of Teachers of Korean. Annual conference. Annual conference. Indiana University. Bloomington, In. 

Moon, H., Chung, Y., & Kessler, G. (2024). Integrating ChatGPT Into English Lessons. Seoul, South Korea. (Online).

Kessler. G. (2024). Preparing Language Teachers for Emerging Innovations. Ohio University Linguistics Department Colloquium Series. Athens, OH.

Kessler. G. (2024). Preparing Teachers for Immersive learning and Artificial Intelligence in Language Education. Mongolian National Institute for Educational Research, Ministry of Culture and Science of Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (online).

Kessler. G. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Education. First Mahakm International Seminar in English Language Teaching. Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur. Indonesia.

Kessler. G. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Education: Striving for Ethical Sustainability and Diversity. Third International Conference on Education. Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, Indonesia.

Kessler. G. (2023). Current trends and Issues in instructional design and technology. Graduate College, Kuwait University, Kuwait City, Kuwait.

Kessler. G. (2023). Designing Intelligent Learning Experiences: Leveraging AI for Enhanced Language Learning. 16th National TEFL/12th Mongolia TESOL International Conference. University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Kessler. G. (2023). Preparing teachers to design innovative curricula. 16th National TEFL/12th Mongolia TESOL International Conference. University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Kessler. G. (2023). Artificial intelligence, automation and immersion in education. International Conference on Transforming Teacher Educational Programs. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia

Kessler. G. (2023). Innovations Across Educational Contexts. International Conference on Transforming Teacher Educational Programs. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia

Kessler. G. (2023). Preparing teachers for sustainable innovation in language education. The 6th International English Language Teachers and Lecturers Conference. Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia. 

Kessler. G. (2023). Webinar: ChatGPT Uprising: Provocative Perspectives on its Role in Higher Education. June 21st, 2023 (Recording).

Kessler. G. (2023). TESOL Technology and Innovation. Ukrainian ELT faculty workshop. US Department of State. Online.

Kessler. G. (2022). Keynote: Innovation in Pedagogy and Learning Design. First international convention English teaching–learning and technology 2022: Narrowing the Gap. Universidad Católica del Maule, Talca, Chile


Kessler, G. (2022). Plenary: Preparing Teachers for the new Normal. Eleventh NNES Virtual International Conference. Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia.


Kessler, G. (2022). Plenary: Innovation and technology in language teaching and learning. AsiaTEFL. Malang, Indonesia.


Kessler, G. (2022). Designing innovative learning experiences. Chulalongkorn University Language Institute Summer Webinar. Bangkok, Thailand. (Online)


Kessler, G. (2022). Designing innovative and meaningful learning experiences. National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei and University of Exeter, UK. (Online).


Kessler, G. (2022). Keynote: Preparing Teachers to Design Meaningful Learning Experiences. North East Language Learning and Technology (NEALLT) annual conference. Columbia University, NYC. (Online).


Kessler, G. (2022). Keynote: Innovation and Technology in Teaching and Learning. Zayed University Spring 2022 Professional Development. Dubai, UAE. (Online)

Lyddon, P., Kessler, G. Johnson, A. J., & Hanibal Jenson, S. (2022). Sharing Special Interests Through Their Links to CMC. CALICO. Seattle, WA.

Kessler, G. (2022). Innovation and Technology in Language Teaching and Learning. Linguistics Department 50th Anniversary Colloquium series. Ohio University: Athens, OH.

Kessler, G. (2021). Keynote: Preparing for the future: CALL in a changing world. Cyprus Teachers of English Association Annual Conference. Language Teaching and the pandemic: A shift to a new era? (Online).

Kessler, G. (2021). Keynote: Innovations in Technology, Pedagogy, & Language Learning. The 2nd International conference on cultural studies and applied linguistics (The 2nd ICCSAL). Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Online), Surabaya, Indonesia.

Kessler, G. (2021). Keynote: Disruptive CALL: Innovations in Technology, Pedagogy, & Language Learning. EuroCALL, The Sorbonne, Paris, France (Online). 

Kessler, G. (2021). Invited Talk: Making the Most of Online and Hybrid Experiences. The International Research Fund. Duoweimingju, China.

Kessler, G. (2021). Keynote: Innovation and the future of language teaching and learning. 9th International. Conference on Second Language Pedagogies. Concordia University. Quebec, Canada.

Kessler, G. (2021). Keynote: Innovation and the future of language teaching and learning. African Language Teachers Association. Boston University, Boston, MA.

Kessler, G. (2021).  The DDI of foreign languages ​​and CLIL. Didacta Online. Rome, Italy.

Kessler, G. (2020). Keynote: Innovation and the Future of Language Education. The 1st Academic International Conference on Social Science, Humanities, and Education: The Novelty and Literacy of the Economy, Education, and Psychology in the Digital Era. Universitas Muria KudusJl, Gondangmanis, Indonesia.

Kessler, G. (2020). Webinar, Online and Hybrid instructional Context: Tools and Practices for Language Learning. Tuesdays with Ohio TESOL #5 – Tools and Practices for Language Learning with Greg Kessler. Ohio TESOL.

Kessler, G. (2020). Invited panelist. CLIL and language teaching in the Covid era. AILA CLIL REN network and Indire.  Here is an archive of this event on

Kessler, G. (2020). Invited Workshop: Best Practices for World Language Teaching in an Online Setting. Bishop's School, La Jolla, California.

Kessler, G. (2020). Maharashtra English teachers regional conference. GSG College, Umarkhed, India.

Kessler, G. (2019). Keynote, Preparing teachers and learners for the future of education. 1st International Conference on English Language Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Kessler, G. (2019). Invited speaker, Current Issues in Elearning. Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta, Indonesia.

Kessler, G. (2019). Invited speaker, Current Issues in Educational Technology, Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta, Indonesia.

Kessler, G. (2019). Invited speaker, Elearning, online and hybrid opportunities and challenges in society 5.0. Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Kessler, G. (2019). Invited speaker, A learner-centered approach to preparing the next generation of CALL professionals. CALICO, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Kessler, G. (2019). Invited speaker, An overview of research agendas. Arizona State University CALL club. Tempe, AZ.

Kessler, G. (2019). Invited speaker, Preparing for the Future: Collaboration, Creativity, and Community Through Computing. TESOL, Atlanta, GA.

Kessler, G. (2018). Invited workshop, Creating Compelling and Meaningful Experiences for Language Learning: Social Media, Intelligent Tools and Collaboration. California TESOL , Anaheim Hilton, Anaheim, CA.

Kessler, G. (2018). Invited presentation, Preparing teachers for the future: Technology, innovation and automation. Instituto Cultural Peruano NorteAmericano (ICPNA), Lima, Peru.

Kessler, G. (2018). Keynote, Preparing Teachers for the Future: Communication and Creativity Through Social Media and Intelligent Tools. Pan Korean English Teachers Association, Daegu, South Korea.

Kessler, G. (2018). Keynote, Preparing teachers for the future: Social Media and intelligent tools. TESOL Italy, Rome, Italy.

Kessler, G. (2018). Keynote, Designing CALL Instruction with Automated and Intelligent tools, VietCALL, University of Danang, Danang, Vietnam.

Kessler, G. (2018). Keynote, Technology and Assessment. Three Rivers TESOL Annual Fall Conference, University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, PA.

Kessler, G. (2018). Invited Talk. Teaching Languages in the Era of Social Media, Hyper-collaboration, and Immersive Technologies. Modern Languages, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.

Kessler, G. (2018). Keynote, Preparing for the future: Artificial intelligence, augmented reality and individualized learning. British Columbia Teachers of English as an Additional Language, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Kessler, G.  (2018). Invited workshop: How to prepare teachers for the future. TESOL Symposium: The Global Citizen and New Technologies. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Kessler, G.  (2018). Keynote, Preparing for the future: Artificial intelligence, augmented reality and individualized learning. Qatar University TESOL Conference, Doha.

Kessler, G. (2018). Keynote, Preparing teachers for the future: Social media and intelligent tools in a globalized world, Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching, TESOL Arabia, Zayed University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Kessler, G.  (2018). Creating Compelling Educational Experiences Through Social Media and Authentic Language Practice, Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching, Zayed University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Kessler, G.  (2018). Creating Educational Experiences for the Future: Intelligent Tools, Automation and Enhanced Reality, Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching, Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching, Zayed University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Kessler, G.  (2018). Keynote, Instructional Technology and Moodle, Moodle Moot Japan 2018, Musashi University, Tokyo.

Kessler, G.  (2018). Creating Socially Engaging Learning Experiences and Materials, US Department of State, English Language Specialist Series, UIN Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Kessler, G.  (2018). Creating Socially Engaging Learning Experiences and Materials, US Department of State, English Language Specialist Series, U.S. Consulate General Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia.

Kessler, G.  (2018) Preparing for the future: Artificial intelligence, augmented reality and individualized learning, US Department of State, English Language Specialist Series, Widya Mandala Catholic University, Surabaya, Indonesia.

Kessler, G.  (2018) Indonesian TESOL Summit, Department of State, The Profession as an Agent of Change, US Department of State, English Language Specialist Series, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Kessler, G.  (2018) Indonesian TESOL Summit, Department of State, Reimagining English Competence, US Department of State, English Language Specialist Series, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Kessler, G.  (2018) Creating Socially Engaging Learning Experiences and Materials, US Department of State, English Language Specialist Series, Muhammadiyah University, Malang, Indonesia.

Kessler, G.  (2018) Preparing for the future: Artificial Intelligence, augmented reality and individualized learning, US Department of State, English Language Specialist Series, Binus University, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Kessler, G.  (2017) Keynote, Preparing teachers for the future: Social media and intelligent tools, TESL Ontario, Toronto, Canada.

Kessler, G.  (2017) Keynote, Preparing teachers for the future: Automation and Intelligent tools, Alberta TESL, Calgary, Canada.

Kessler, G. (2017) Keynote: Preparing Teachers for the Future. Technology for Second Language Learning Conference, Iowa State University, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.

Kessler, G. (2017) Invited speaker: Preparing Teachers to make Intelligent Decisions. TESOL CALL IS and Teacher Education IS Intersection. Seattle, WA. (With Volker Hegelheimer, Philip Hubbard, and Christine Rosalia).Kessler, G. (2017) Keynote: Preparing Teaching for Intelligent tools and Automation. Colombia Symposium, Bogota, Colombia.

Kessler, G. (2017) Invited speaker: Preparing teachers for the future. Pilsen Talks II - Technology Society: The role of the human. Pilsen, Czech Republic. 

Kessler, G. (2017) Featured speaker: Futurology & Professionalism: TESOL Summit on the Future of the Profession. Athens, Greece.             Summary Report & Video of session

Kessler, G. (2016) Invited speaker: Stellenbosch Symposium, Language Learning in the Digital Era: Challenges and Opportunities for Global Universities. Cape Town, South Africa.

Kessler, G. (2016). TedEd webinar: How to adapt available materials to establish connection with popular trends and events. Online Learning Pedagogy: Materials Development for Online Language Courses, University of Hawai’i.

Kessler, G. (2016). Plenary speaker, Preparing teachers for the future: Intelligent language teaching and learning technology. Technology for Chinese Language Teaching Conference, University of Macau, Macau, China.

Kessler, G. (2016). Invited Session: Conducting and understanding research in relation to your own classroom. Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO), Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

 Kessler, G. (2015). Keynote speaker, Collaborative and participatory social practices. Romanian Association of Teachers of English, Timisoara, Romania.

Kessler, G. (2015). Invited roundtable on technology and English. White House, Department of State.

Kessler, G. (2015). Invited Consultant, Research into technology for language learning. Berlitz, Princeton.

Kessler, G. (2015). Invited featured speaker, Promoting engagement through participatory social practices. Tech-Ed Conference, Washington State University College of Education.

Kessler, G. (2015). Invited colloquium, Enhancing Teaching with the TESOL Technology Standards. TESOL, Toronto.

Kessler, G. (2015). Invited Colloquium: CALL Research in TESOL. TESOL, Toronto.

Kessler, G. (2014). Preparing language teachers for the future. Rethinking pedagogy in a world of social media, hyper-collaboration and data mashups. Rethinking interface in a world of gesture, touch and voice control. Rethinking environment in a world of virtual synthetic immersion. CALL Interest Section Academic Session: TESOL, Portland, OR.

Kessler, G. (2014). Promoting engagement through social media supported writing practices. Symposium on Second Language Writing. Tempe, AZ.

Kessler, G. (2014). Preparing language teachers for the future. Rethinking pedagogy in a world of social media, hyper-collaboration and data mashups. Rethinking interface in a world of gesture, touch and voice control. Rethinking environment in a world of virtual synthetic immersion. CALL Interest Section Academic Session: TESOL, Portland, OR.

Kessler, G. (2014) Keynote: Promoting engagement through collaborative and cooperative social activity. Washington Area TESOL, Shady Grove, MD.

Kessler, G. (2013). Globalization and the future of ELT: Leveraging the artifacts of a socially networked world. Keynote: First International conference on English language teaching, Tunghai University,Taichung, Taiwan.

Kessler, G. (2013). Preparing teachers and learners to make the most of hyper-collaborative participatory culture. Keynote: Foreign Language Instructional Technology Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Kessler, G. (2013). Using Technology To Promote Collaborative Classroom Practices. Virtual Webinar: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Alexandria, VA.

Antoniadou, A. (2013). An interview with Ohio University associate professor of CALL Greg Kessler. Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 6(2), 99-108. 

Kessler, G. (2013). Ubiquitous Computing, Collaboration, and the Future of Second Language Writing. Keynote: South Central Association of Language Learning Technology, Forth Worth, TX.

Kessler, G. (2013). Promoting collaborative activity and abilities through social and new media. Keynote: GLOCALL, University of Danang, Vietnam.


Allan, J., Healey, D., Hubbard, P., Kessler, G., McBride, R., Rajabi, S., & Sturm, M. (2024). Developing targeted technology standards for avenue language instructors, programs, and learners: an initiative of new language solutions, Contact, TESL Ontario.

Kessler, G. (2024). Computer Assisted Language Learning. In E. Hinkel (Ed) Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Volume 4, Routledge. 

Kessler, G. (2024). Using Technology to Improve Language Learners' Accuracy. In E. Hinkel (Ed) Practical Grammar Teaching for the Second Language Classroom, Routledge.

Hafour, M., De Felice, D., & Kessler, G. (2023). A/synchronous telecollaborative digital media projects: comparative effects on learners’ macro-and micro-level oral proficiency and intercultural competence. Computer Assisted Language Learning.

Kessler, G. (2022). Computer Assisted Language Learning. In E. Hinkel (Ed) Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Volume 4, Routledge.

Lubua, F. G., & Kessler, G. (2022). Academic Entrepreneurship in CALL: A Significant Subject in the Era of Knowledge Economy. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT), 12(1), 1-16.

Kessler, G. (2022). Computer Assisted Language Learning. In E. Hinkel (Ed) Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Volume 4, Routledge.

Kessler, G. (2021). Current realities and future challenges for CALL teacher preparation.  CALICO Journal 38(3), i-xx.

Kessler, G. (2020). Professionalizing your use of technology in English language teaching. In C. Coombe, N.J. Anderson, and L. Stephenson (Eds.), Professionalizing Your English Language Teaching. Springer.

Dani, D., Wu, M. L., Hartman, S., Kessler, G., Gibbs-Grey, T. M., Liu, C., and Francis, J. (2020). Leveraging Partnerships to Support Community-Based Learning in a College of Education. In  M. C.P.O. Okojie and T. C. Boulder (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Adult Learning in Higher Education. IGI Global.

Kessler, G. (2019). Promoting engagement through participatory social practices in next generation social media contexts. In     S. Adesope and A.G. Rud (Eds.), Contemporary Technologies in Education: Maximizing Student Engagement, Motivation, and Learning. Palgrave Macmillan.

Kessler, G. (Ed.) (2018). Online and Hybrid Classroom Education. TESOL Publications.

Kessler G (2018). Technology and the future of language teaching. Foreign Language Annals, 51(1), p. 205-218.

Kessler, G. (2018). CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning). The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. 1-6.

Kessler, G. (2018). Introduction to teaching and technology. The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. 1–5.

Kessler, G., & Hubbard, P. (2017). Language teacher education and technology. In C. Chapelle & S. Sauro (Eds.), The Handbook of Technology and Second Language Teaching and Learning. Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford.

Kessler, G. (2017). Second Language Writing, New Media, and Co-construction Pedagogies. In S. Thorne & S. May (Ed), Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Springer.

Kessler, G. (2017). Technology in second language teaching and learning. In E. Hinkel (Ed) Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Volume 3, Routledge.

Incerti, F., Franklin, T.,  & Kessler, G. (2017). Amazon Echo: Perceptions of an Emerging Technology for Formal and Informal Learning. In Y. Baek (Ed.) Game-Based learning: Theory,strategies and performance outcomes. Nova Science publishers: Hauppauge, NY.

Reshad, A, Hendrickx, J., Schwartz, A., & Kessler, G. (2017). Reflections on the virtual boardroom: Business presentations in the Holodeck.In P. Hubbard & S. Ioannou-Georgiou (Eds.) Teaching English reflectively with technology. Canterbury: IATEFL.

Kessler, G. (2017). Preparing CALL professionals: A survey course in a CALL degree program. In J. B. Son and S. Windeatt (Eds.), Language teacher education and technology: Approaches and practices. Bloomsbury: London.

Hubbard, P., Kessler, G., & Ware, P. (Eds.) (2016) 20th AnniversarySpecial Issue, Language Learning & Technology.

Ware, P., & Kessler, G. (2016). Telecollaboration in the secondary language classroom: Impact of an international blogging project. Computer Assisted Language Learning.

Kessler, G. (Ed.) (2016). Landmarks in CALL Research. Advances in CALL Research & Practice. CALICO Book Series. Equinox Publishing.

Kessler, G. (2016). Technology standards for language teacher preparation. In F. Farr & L. Murray (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Technology. London: Routledge.

Kessler, G. (2015). Using technology to teach ESL readers & writers. In N. Evans, N. Anderson & B. Eggington (Eds.), ESL Readers and Writers in Higher Education: Understanding Challenges, Providing Support. Routledge: London & New York.

Yeh, E., & Kessler, G. (2015). Enhancing linguistic and intercultural competencies through the use of social network sites and Google Earth. In J. Keengwe (Ed.) Promoting Global Literacy Skills Through Technology-Infused Teaching and Learning. IGI Global: Hershey, PA.

Kessler, G. (2014). Social media and writing in a second language. Intercom: University of Oregon. Online at:

Kessler, G. (2013). Collaborative language learning in co-constructed participatory culture. CALICO Journal, 30(3), 307-322.

Kessler, G. (2013). Teaching ESL/EFL in a world of social media, mash-ups and hyper-collaboration. TESOL Journal, 4(4).

Kessler, G., & Ware, P. (2013). Addressing the language classroom standards of the European higher education area through the use of technology. In M. L. Pérez Cañado (ed.) Competency-based Language Teaching in Higher Education. John Benjamins: Amsterdam.

Ware, P., & Kessler, G. (2013). CALL and digital feedback. In M. Thomas, H. Reinders, & M. Warschauer, (Eds.), Contemporary Studies in Linguistics: Contemporary Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Continuum: London.

Kessler, G. (2012). Language teacher training in technology. In C. A. Chapelle (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, Oxford:Wiley-Blackwell.

Kessler, G. (2012). Authoring tools for language assessment. In C. A. Chapelle (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, Oxford:Wiley-Blackwell.

Kessler, G., Bikowski, D, & Boggs, J. (2012). Collaborative Writing Among Second Language Learners in Academic Web-Based Projects. Language Learning & Technology, 16(1), 91-109.

Kessler, G. (2012). Preparing tomorrow’s second language writing teachers. In G. Kessler, A. Oskoz, & I. Elola, (Eds.), Technology Across Writing Contexts and Tasks. CALICO Monograph.

Kessler, G., Oskoz , A., & Elola, I. (2012). Technology across writing contexts and tasks. CALICO Monograph.

Kessler, G., & Bikowski, D. (2011). The influence of SLA training in curricular design among teachers in preparation. CALICO Journal, 28(2),522-545.

Healey, D., Hanson-Smith, E., Hubbard, P., Iannou-Georgiou, S., Kessler, G., & Ware, P. (2011). TESOL Technology Standards: Description, Implementation, Integration. TESOL Publications: Alexandria, VA.

Kessler, G. (2010). Fluency and anxiety in self access speaking tasks: The influence of environment. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 23(4), 359–373.

Kessler, G., & Bikowski, D. (2010). Developing collaborative autonomous learning abilities in computer mediated language learning: Attention to meaning among students in wiki space. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 23(1), 41-58.

Kessler, G. (2010). When they talk about CALL: Discourse in a required CALL class.CALICO Journal, 27(2), 376-392.

Kessler, G. (2010). Virtual business: An Enron email corpus study. Journal of Pragmatics. 42(1), 262-270.

Healey, D., Hegelheimer, V., Hubbard, P., Iannou-Georgiou, S., Kessler, G., & Ware, P. (2009). TESOL Technology Standards Framework. TESOL Publications: Alexandria, VA.

Kessler, G. (2009). Student initiated attention to form in wiki based collaborative writing. Language Learning & Technology, 13(1),79-95.

Kessler, G. (2009). Integrating technology in the foreign language education. In K. Cennamo, J. Ross, P. Ertmer, & K. Potter (Eds.), Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use: A Standards-Based Approach . Wadsworth Publishing.

Kessler, G. (2009). Instructional technology for international students. In M. Andrade & N. Evans (Eds), International Students: Strengthening a Critical Resource. American Council on Education: Washington, DC.

Kessler, G., & Plakans, L. (2008). Does teachers' confidence with CALL equal innovative and integrated use? Computer Assisted Language Learning, 21(3), 269-282.

Kessler, G. (2007). Formal and informal CALL preparation and teacher attitude toward technology. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 20(2), 173-188.

Kessler, G. (2007). Moodle: Getting together online gets even better. ESL Magazine, 56, 12-16 (Pre-print version)

Kessler, G. (2006). Assessing CALL teacher training: What are we doing and what could we do better? In P. Hubbard, & M. Levy (eds.,) Teacher education in CALL.John Benjamins: Amsterdam, 22-42.

Kessler, G. (2006). A Multimedia Lab on Your Desktop. Essential Teacher, 3(3)

Kessler, G. (2005). Interactive Exercise Generators. Essential Teacher, 3(2)

Kessler, G. (2003). Preparing for the Future of CALL. Essential Teacher, 1(1), 32-36

Kessler, G. (2003). The Virtual Computer Lab. OhioTESOL Newsletter, 12(2) Online support information.

Bikowski, D., & Kessler, G. (2002). Making the most of discussion boards in the ESL classroom. TESOL Journal, 11(3), 27-30.

Kessler, G. & Plakans, L. (2001). Incorporating ESOL learners' feedback and usability testing into instructor-developed materials, TESOL Journal, 10(2), 15-20. Support material can be found here.

Kessler, G. (2002). So You Want to Build a CALL Lab? OhioTESOL Newsletter, May 2002. Republished in ESL Mini Conference, June 2002.

ESL Magazine Column, Greg Kessler's Technology:






Kessler, G. (2010). Computer assisted Language Learning: Critical Concepts in Linguistics. Philip Hubbard (ed.) Routledge: London & New York. In Language Learning & Technology, 14(3), 14-18.


Language Teaching and Technology Forum, Language Learning & Technology. ISSN 1094-3501


Book Series Editor, Advances in CALL Research and Practice, CALICO, Equinox Publishing


Technology Area Editor, TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. Wiley-Blackwell


Action Research Column Editor, Language Learning & Technology. ISSN 1094-3501


Editorial Board, Language Learning & Technology. ISSN 1094-3501


Editorial Board, Computer Assisted Language Learning. ISSN: 0958-8221, eISSN:1744-3210


Editorial Board, International Journal of Language Studies. ISSN: 2157-4898; eISSN: 2157-4901


Volume Editor, CALICO Monograph: Technology Across Writing Contexts (With A. Oskoz & I.

Elola), Volume 10, 


Column Editor, ESL Magazine Column: Greg Kessler‘s Technology



Kessler, G. (2012). Introduction to CALL and Collaboration. Mutah University, Karak, Jordan.

Kessler, G. (2012). New Tools and CALL Methods for Writing Instruction. Cornell University. Language Resource Center , Ithaca, NY.

Kessler, G. (2012). Collaboration, Ubiquitous Computing and the Future of Language Teaching Pedagogy. Keynote: Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO). University of Notre Dame, South Bend: IN.

Kessler, G. (2012). Ubiquitous Computing and the Future of Language Teaching. Keynote: New York State TESOL, Albany, NY.

Kessler, G. (2012). Round table on Teacher and lifelong training in CALL. Innovative Practices in Computer Assisted Language Learning. University of Ottawa, Ottawa: CA.

Kessler, G. (2012). Language Teachers, Students and Pedagogy in an Era of Ubiquitous Computing. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati: OH.

McBride, R. (2012). Learn IT to Teach. Episode 8: An Interview with Dr. Greg Kessler (May 2012)

Kessler, G. (2011). Language Learning in an Era of Ubiquitous Computing: Pedagogy, Teachers, and Students. Keynote: Michigan TESOL, Kalamazoo: MI.

Kessler, G. (2011). Collaborative Learning in an Era of Ubiquitous Computing. Keynote: Aizu University ACM Chapter Conference on Elearning and Technical Communication. Aizu, Japan.

Kessler, G. (2011). Social Media and Information Technology. American Center: Embassy of the United States. Rangoon, Burma.

Kessler, G. (2011). Computer Assisted Language Learning and Web 2.0. American Center: Embassy of the United States. Rangoon, Burma.

Kessler, G. (2011). The Evolution of Computer Assisted Language Learning. American Center: Embassy of the United States. Rangoon, Burma.

2011 Ohio University Graduate Commencement Speech

Kessler, G. (2011). Teacher training for Web 2.0 and beyond. CALL Interest Section Academic Session: TESOL, New Orleans, LA.

Kessler, G. (2011). Promoting Collaboration and Autonomy Through Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Breakfast with TESOL’s best. TESOL, New Orleans, LA.

Healey, D., Hubbard, P., Kessler, G., & Ware, P. (2011). TESOL technology standards for your classroom. New Orleans, LA.

Kessler, G. (2010). Higher Education Keynote: Language pedagogy in an era of Ubiquitous computing, OhioTESOL, Columbus, OH.

Kessler, G. (2010). Information and communications technology in education. Al-Baha University, Al-Baha, Saudi Arabia.

Kessler, G. (2009). Collaborative writing using many-to-many technologies. Symposium on Second Language Writing, Tempe, AZ.

Kessler, G. (2009). State of the profession: Collaborative writing using many-to-many technologies, OhioTESOL, Columbus, OH.

Kessler, G. (2009). Writing and Web 2.0: New paradigms of collaboration. Uludag University; Bursa, Turkey

Kessler, G. (2009). The trouble with everything: Data collection in CMC. Uludag University; Bursa, Turkey

Kessler, G. (2009). Teacher Preparation in CALL. Uludag University; Bursa, Turkey

Kessler, G. (2009). Creating collaborative spaces for language teaching. Uludag University; Bursa, Turkey

Kessler, G. (2009). Moodle for language teaching. Uludag University; Bursa, Turkey

Kessler, G. (2009). CALL confidence and technology innovation and integration. Uludag University; Bursa, Turkey

Kessler, G. (2009). Writing and Web 2.0: New paradigms of collaboration. Erciyes University; Kayseri, Turkey

Kessler, G. (2009). Teacher Prepartion in CALL. Uludag University; Bursa, Turkey

Kessler, G. (2007). Trends in Developments in Educational Technology. American Corners, Prague, Czech Republic.

Kessler, G. (2007). Educational technology for language teaching. American Corners, Belgrade, Serbia.

Kessler, G. (2007). Innovations in CALL. Pecs, Hungary

Kessler, G. (2007). Using Moodle for language learning. American Corners, Osijek, Croatia.

Kessler, G. (2007). The Online Audio Lab. ITA Academic Session, TESOL, Seattle, WA

Greg Kessler: Giving ESL Students (& Teachers) New Tools for Learning. ESL Miniconference Achievement Interview. (2007)

Kessler, G. (2006). Audio Labs on the Go: CALL IS Academic Session, TESOL 2006, Tampa, FL, March.

Kessler, G. (2006). The online audio lab. The Ohio State University. ICALL Group. October, 2006.

Kessler, G. (2005). The current state of CALL. Instructional Technology Association, Ohio University.

Kessler, G. (2005). State of the profession: What is the Current State of Computer Assisted Language Learning in Teacher Preparation Programs? OhioTESOL Conference, Columbus, Ohio, November.

Kessler, G. (2005). Where are we now? Kansas TESOL keynote presentation. Emporia, KS, February.

Kessler, G. (2005). What could we do better in preparing teachers to use technology? Kansas TESOL. Emporia, KS, February.

Kessler, G. (2003). Constructing meaning with computers. CALL IS Academic Session. TESOL, Baltimore, MD, March.

Kessler, G. (2002). What is the current state of CALL?. Saginaw Valley State University. Saginaw, Michigan, February.


Kessler, G.  (2018). Preparing for the Future of Education: Social Media, Automation and Intelligent Tools, Interlink Alliance, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.

Kessler, G. (2017). Preparing to engage students through authentic social media practices. Interlink Alliance, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD.

Kuhn, J., Kessler, G., & Reshad, A. (2014). Participatory Immersion: Classroom of the future. TESOL, Portland, OR.

Kessler, G, Ware, V., & Hegeheimer, V. (2013). Steering the Next Generation of Teachers Toward Technology Tools. CALICO, University of Hawai'i, HI

Ware, P., & Kessler, G. (2013). Integrating Telecollaboration into the Secondary School Curriculum: Examining the Impact on Intercultural Communication and Technology Skills. CALICO, University of Hawai'i, HI

Hubbard, P., Iannou-Georgiou, S., Kessler, G. (2012). Are you up to standard? Introducing the TESOL Technology Standards. IATEFL, Glasgow, UK. 

Kessler, G. (2011). Agreement and disagreement in ACMC: A comparison of complexity. EuroCALL, Nottingham, UK.

Arnold, N., Bikowski, D., Cunningham, J., Dooly, M., Ducate, L., Hasko, V., Kessler, G., Levet, S., & Sadler, R. (2011). Ensuring Successful Implementation of Telecollaboration: Issues of Design, Management, Maintenance, and Evaluation.CALICO, Victoria, BC, CA.

Kessler, G. (2011). Complexity in asynchronous CMC. CALICO, Victoria, BC, CA.

Arnold, N., Bikowski, D., Cunningham, J., Dooly, M., Ducate, L., Hasko, V., Kessler, G., Levet, S., & Sadler, R. (2011). Advances in Telecollaborative practices for foreign language teaching and learning: Sharing Experiences, Insights, and Visions for the Future. The American Association of Applied Linguistics, Chicago, IL.

Kessler, G., & Bikowski, D. & Stewart, R. (2010). Collaborative writing and web 2.0 Tools. CALICO, Amherst, MA.

Kessler, G., & Bikowski, D. (2010). Developing collaborative autonomous learning abilities in computer mediated language learning: Attention to meaning among students in wiki space. CALICO, Amherst, MA.

Stewart, R., Kessler, G., & Bikowski, D. (2010). There's no I in We: Collaborative writing using web based and desktop based word processing.CALICO, Amherst, MA.

Bikowski, D., & Kessler, G. (2010). Politeness and Intercultural Competence in Computer-Mediated Cultural Exchanges. The American Association of Applied Linguistics, Atlanta, GA.

Kessler, G., & Bikowski, D. (2010). Developing Collaborative Autonomous Learning Abilities in Computer Mediated Language Learning: Attention to Meaning among Students in Wiki Space. The American Association of Applied Linguistics, Atlanta, GA.

Kessler, G., & Bikowski, D. (2009). Collaborative writing and web 2.0: Realities, challenges & opportunities. CALICO, Tempe, AZ.

Kessler, G., & Bikowski, D. (2009). Constructing community with web based collaboration. CALICO, Tempe, AZ.

Burston, J., Goertler, S., & Kessler, G. (2009). National Foreign Language Instructional Technology Survey. CALICO, Tempe, AZ.

Kessler, G. (2009). How to Moodle, OhioTESOL, Columbus, OH.

Kessler, G. (2009). Technology Fair, OhioTESOL, Columbus, OH.

Kessler, G., & Ware, P. (2008). TESOL's Technology Standards. Ohio TESOL, Columbus, OH.

Kessler, G., Bikowski, D., Aljoris, S., Bauerle, S., Buechele, S., Dombroski, M., Ford, A., Hill, C., Parnell, J., Soto, J.,& Spicher, A. (2008). Ohio TESOL technology fair. Columbus, OH.

Coleman, D., & Kessler, G. (2008). Creating Professional Quality Illustrations for Teaching ESL. Ohio TESOL, Columbus, OH.

Hubbard, P., & Kessler, G. (2008). Help shape TESOL's technology standards. WorldCALL, Fukuoka, Japan.

Healey, D., Hubbard, P., Kessler, G., & Ware, P. (2008). Help shape TESOL's technology standards. New York, NY.

Kessler, G., Bikowski, D., & Davis, R. (2008). Hardware fair. New York, NY.

Waltje, J., & Kessler, G. (2008). Language Learning Tools for the 21st Century. CALICO, San Francisco, CA.

Kessler, G. (2008). When they talk about CALL. CALICO, San Francisco, CA.

Kessler, G. (2007). Ohio TESOL technology fair. Columbus, OH

Kessler, G. (2007). Rethinking the CMS: The online audio lab. CALICO, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX

Kessler, G. & Plakans, L. (2007). Instructional use and teacher perspective regarding digital audio and video. CALICO, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX

Kessler, G. (2007). Is CALL Important in TESOL teacher preparation? TESOL, Seattle, WA

Kessler, G., Laurence, D., Bauer, E., Calle, A., Dombroski, M., Xu, H., Lee, I. & Ongito, O. (2006). The Best of Technology Fair. OhioTESOL, Columbus, OH, November.

Kessler, G. (2006). Technology and the future of Instruction and Ohio TESOL. OhioTESOL, Columbus, OH, November.

Waltje, J, Kessler, G. & Heller, M. (2006). Audio and Video for the 21 st Century. CALICO, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI.

Krzic, G., Kessler, G., Ghazel, E., Chiha, B., Tamrabet, L., & Shorman, J. (2006). ESL and Civic Education Online Community for Middle East and North African teachers. TESOL Electronic Village Internet Fair, Tampa, FL.

Kessler, G. (2005). How valuable is CALL teacher preparation? Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Phoenix, AZ.

Kessler, G. (2004). How Do We Train Better CALL Practitioners? Presented at TESOL 2004, Long Beach, CA., March.

Coleman, D. & Kessler, G. (2004). What is Langland? Developer's Showcase, Long Beach, CA, March.

Hubbard, P., Kessler, G. & Madden, J. (2004).Technology, Techniques, and Materials for Web Listening Internet Fair Classics, TESOL, Long Beach, March.

Long, R. & Kessler, G. (2004). Video Chat Technologies for Language Teaching. Internet Fair, TESOL, Long Beach, March.

Kessler, G. (2004). How are Teacher Training Programs Meeting the Technology Needs of Language Teachers? CALICO, Pittsburgh, June.

Mills, D. & Kessler, G. (2002). Making QuickTime Interactive for Enriched Language Learning. TESOL, Salt Lake City, Utah, April.

Coleman, D. & Kessler, G. (2002). Creating Virtual Realities to Contextualize Learning. TESOL, Salt Lake City, Utah, April.

Mills, D., Kessler, G. & Bradin, C. (2002). Using QuickTime in CALL multimedia materials development. TESOL,Salt Lake City, Utah, April.

Coleman, D. & Kessler, G. (2002). Contextualizing Language Learning with Virtual Reality. TESOL, Salt Lake City, Utah, April.

Kessler, G. (2001). Online Course Management (Part 2), OhioTESOL Newsletter

Kessler, G. (2001). Teaching Academic Oral Communication Skills Online.OhioTESOL Conference, Athens, OH, April 21

Kessler, G. & Plakans, L. (2001).Considering Student Feedback in Developing Distance Learning Materials, Research presented at Syllabus Conference, Cincinnati, OH, April 5, 2001

Kessler, G. & Bradin, C. (2001). Webmasters' Workshop. TESOL, April, 2001, St. Louis, MO.


Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, Patton College of Education, Ohio University (2019)

Ohio University Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award (June, 2010)

Ohio University Student Alumni Board Class of 1950 Teaching Excellence Award (May, 2010)


U.S. Department of State English Language Specialist, Indonesia, 2018

Berlitz, Research into Technology for Foreign LanguageTeaching, Princeton, NJ, 2015

Center for Urban Language Teaching and Research

U.S. State Department White House Roundtable on Technology in English, 2015.

U.S. State Department English Language Specialist, Czech Republic, Fall 2015.

U.S. State Department English Language Specialist, Romania, Fall 2015.

U.S. State Department English Language Specialist, Rangoon, Burma, Summer 2011.

Ohio University and Arabian Educational Training Group, Dammam and Al-Baha, Saudi Arabia, May 2010.

U.S. State Department English Language Specialist, Bursa & Kayseri, Turkey, January 2009.

Chubu University, OPELT Program. Moodle setup and faculty orientation. Kasugai, Japan August 2008.

U.S. State Department English Language Specialist, Language 4 Law Project (Prague, Czech Republic; Belgrade & Nis, Serbia; Miskolc & Pecs, Hungary & Osijek, Croatia) Spring 2007

University of Arizona TEFL Certificate Program (Beijing, China), 2006 /2005

University of Arizona CESL Teacher Training (Tucson, Arizona & Nogales, Mexico) Spring 2006

USIA-CELTT Educational Technology for Middle Eastern teachers Phase II, (Athens, Greece), Summer 2005        

TESOL Principles and Practices of Online Teaching Certificate Program: Core Class, Creating and Using Multimedia for Online Instruction and Cyberculture and Cross Cultural Issues, Spring 2004- Fall 2006

USIA-CELTT Educational Technology for Middle Eastern teachers, Summer 2004    

U.S. State Department English Language Specialist, Almaty and Kokshetau, Kazakhstan, Fall 2004        

Saginaw Valley State University, College Town, Michigan, Spring 2002

U.S. State Department English Language Specialist, IELP II, Alexandria, Egypt , Summer 2001        

KETC Language Center, Komaki, Japan, Autumn 2000         

CAEP Program, Program curriculum development & Creation of Multimedia Center, Hong Kong Baptist University , Autumn 1999  & Spring 2000        

Educational Technology for South African Teachers’ Summer Institute Summer 2001-2003          

USIA-CELTT Educational Technology for Palestinian and Israeli teachers, Summer 1999    


CALICO President (2012-2013)

CALICO Interim Co-Director--with Senta Goertler (2011-2012)

CALICO Executive Board (2009-2011)

CALICO (Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) 2011 Program Chair

TESOL Technology Standards Writing Group (2006-2011)

TESOL Web Advisory Board (2003-2005)

TESOL Technology Advisory Committee (2002-2007)

TESOL CALL Interest Section Chair (2002 Chair Elect, 2003 Chair, 2004 Past-Chair)

TESOL CALL Interest Section steering committee member (2000-2003)

TESOL Electronic Village Coordinator (2000-2002)

TESOL Electronic Village Volunteer (1998 -2008)

OhioTESOL President (2006 Second VP, 2007 VP, 2008 President)

Coordinating Technology Room for OhioTESOL conferences (1996-Present) 

OhioTESOL Webmaster:  Creation and maintenance of Ohio TESOL web site(1996-2001)

Ohio University

Faculty Technology Advisory Group (FTAG) Chair (2012-present)

Information Technology Governance Council (2012-Present)

Information Technology Advisory Council (2010-2012)

FTAG member (2007-present)

Ohio University Moodle Administrator (2003-Present)