Solar Power 1- What we have

In 2013, PGPool entered into a 20 year lease agreement with SolarCity to provide a 10.58 kWh solar PV system to power the Pool house.  We will produce an estimated 12.8 MEGAwatts of electricity this year.  Any production over that amount, and PEPCO sends us a check for about 9 cents/kWh.  Solar City was sold and the current administrator of our solar is Tesla.

At the June 2024 membership meeting, it was reported that our panels over-produced and we received over $300 for the additional electricity produced.

It's important to know that our power comes from two different lines.  The pool house is on one of the lines and the pump house (guard shack) on another line.  The pump house uses the most electricity but the roof is too small to have panels.  The cost to combine the lines is over $30k (and probably more) so it was not economical to do so.