Memory Tree Project
Memory Tree Project
Join The Memory Tree Project and care for a street tree in memory of a loved one. You’ll be honoring a loved one, helping to reduce Roslindale’s carbon footprint, and beautifying the neighborhood!
The City plants hundreds of street trees each year, but it’s a challenge to get those trees adequate water during the first few years after they’re planted. We must increase the street tree survival rate for Boston to meet its Climate Action Plan goal of 35% tree canopy by 2030.
Through The Memory Tree Project, GreeningRozzie, in cooperation with Boston Parks and Recreation, connects young street trees with volunteers who will water the trees. Sign up to water a street tree near you. Your tree will get a Memory Tree Project sign on which you can write your and your loved one’s names.
Any street tree planted in Roslindale by the City within the past four years is eligible. If this project is successful in Roslindale it could expand to other Boston neighborhoods!
Sign up if you'd like to be part of this project. There is a nominal fee of $15 to cover the cost of the signs.