Welcome to the Library

Welcome back GMS! Check out the library webpage for announcements, book suggestions, helpful tips, and more. I am looking forward to a wonderful year with you.

How to find and reserve books

How to Find Books in Library Catalog

How to Reserve a Library Book

What I just finished reading!

As I finish reading books from the GMS library, I will share them with you here. Hope you will check them out! You can see older book talks on the "What I am Reading" page.

Checkout Policies:

  • You may check out up to three books at a time.

  • You can keep books for up to two weeks. You can renew them if you would like to keep them longer.

  • You are responsible to cover the cost for any damaged or lost books

Library Hours:

  • We are open everyday at 7:00 for students.

  • We close at 3:00 everyday unless you stay for tutoring.

Follow Greeneville Middle School Library on Facebook or gms.library on Instagram, or @Lib-GMS on Twitter.

Who are we?

Mrs. Morris - I am the librarian at GMS. I love reading and helping students to find the perfect book. Please come visit. You can e-mail me at morrisn@gcschools.net

Mrs. Renner - I am the library assistant at GMS. I love reading and crocheting.