
In review

Halsch, C. A., Elphic, C., Forister, M. L., Wagner, D., Ware, J., Grames, E.  (in review)  The interconnections among drivers of insect biodiversity loss

Carroll, C. F., Nussear, K. E., Enders-Niell, L., and Forister, M. L.  (in review).  While they’re still here: assessing status and habitat for the last populations of the Carson wandering skipper (Pseudocopaeodes eunus obscurus)

Jahner, J. P., Buerkle, C. Alex, Gannon, D. G., Grames, E. M., McFarlane, S. E., Sierfert, A., Bell, K. L., DeLeo, V. L., Forister, M. L., Harrison, J. G., Laughlin, D. C., Patternson, A. C., Powers, B. F., Werner, C. M., and Oleksy, I. A.  (in review)  Interpretable and predictive models to harness the life science data revolution

Edwards, C. B., Zipkin, E. F., Henry, E. H., Haddad, N. M., Forister, M. L., Burls, K. J., Campbell, S. P., Crone, E. E., Diffendorfer, J. Douglas, M. R., Drum, R. G., Fallon, C. E., Glassberg, J., Grames, E. M., Hatfield, R., Herschcovich, S., Hoffman-Black, S., Larsen, E. A., Leuenberger, W., Linders, M. J., Longcore, T., Marschalek, D. A., Michielini, J., Neupane, N., Ries, L., Shapiro, A. M., Swengel, A. B., Swengel, S. R., Van Deynze, B., Wiedmann, J., Thogmartin, W. E., and Schultz, C. B.  (in review)  Butterflies are declining rapidly in the United States during the 21st century

Grames, E. M., Flynn, M., Edwards, C., Thogmartin, W., Glassberg, J., and Forister M. L.  (in review)  An efficient method for generating extent of occurrence maps applied to North American butterflies

Christensen, T., Dyer, L. A., Forister, M. L., Bowers, M. D., Carper, A., Teglas, M. B., Hurtado, P., and Smilanich, A. M.  (in review)  Host plant-mediation of viral transmission and its consequences for a native butterfly.

Published and in-press


Grames, E. M. Forister, M. L.  (in press)  Sparse modeling for climate variable selection across trophic levels. 

Grele, A.J., Massad, T. J., Uckele, K. A., Dyer, L. A., Braga, L., Forister, M. L., Garro, L. S., Kato, M. J., Lopez, H. G., Nascimento, A. R., Simbana, W. R., Smilanich, A. M., Stireman, J. O, Tepe, E. J., Richards, L. A.  (in press)  Reduction of intraspecific and interspecific tropical plant diversity alters insect richness, herbivory, and ecosystem resilience.

Doan, L. M., Miller, J. S., Brown, J. W., Forister, M. L. and Dyer, L. A.  (in press)  New species of the hyperdiverse geometrid genus Eois (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Larentiinae) from the New World tropics


Halsch, C. A., Shapiro, A. M., Thorne, J. A., Rodman, K. C., Parra, A., Dyer, L. A., Gompert, Z., Smilanich, A. M., and Forister, M. L.  (2023)  Thirty-six years of butterflies, snow, and plant productivity reveal negative impacts of warmer winters and increased productivity on montane species.  Global Change Biology, e17044

The Herbivory Variability Network (Robinson et al.).  (2023)  Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory.  Science 382(6671), pp.679-683.

Massad, T., Nascimento, A. R., Moreno, D. C., Simbana, W., Lopez, H. G., Garro, L. S., Lepesqueur, C., Richards, L., Forister, M. L., Stireman, J., Tepe, E., Uckele, K., Braga, L., Walla, T., Smilanich, A., Grele, A., Dyer, L. A.  (2023)  Variation in the strength of local and regional determinants of herbivory across the Neotropics.  Oikos, e10218 

Forister, M. L., Black, S. H., Elphick, C. S., Grames, E. M., Halsch, C. A., Schultz, C. B., Wagner, D. L.  (2023)  Missing the bigger picture: why insect monitoring programs are limited in their ability to document the effects of habitat loss.  Conservation Letters e12951 

Blüthgen, N., Dicks, L. V., Forister, M. L., Outhwaite, C. L., Slade, E. M. (2023) Insect declines in the Anthropocene. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, pp.1-4.

Forister, M. L., Grames, E. M., Halsch, C. A., Burls, K. J., Carroll, C. F., Bell, K. L., Jahner, J. P., Bradford, T., Zhang, J., Cong, Q., Grishin, N. V., Glassberg, J., Shapiro, A. M., and Riecke, T. V.  (2023)  Assessing risk for butterflies in the context of climate change, demographic uncertainty, and heterogenous data sources.  Ecological Monographs 93(3) e1584 

Halsch, C. A., Zullo, D., and Forister, M. L.  (2023)  Additive and interactive pressures of anthropogenic stressors on an insect herbivore.  Proceedings of the Royal Soc B 290:20222431

Flores, S., Forister, M. L., Subaran, H., Diaz, R., Dyer, L. A. (2023)  Extreme drought disrupts plant phenology: insights from 34 years of cloud forest trees in Venezuela.  Ecology e4012

Hardy, N. B, and Forister, M. L.  (2023)  Niche specificity, polygeny, and pleiotropy in herbivorous insects.  American Naturalist. 201(3).

McKeegan, K., Muchoney, N., Forister, M. L., Teglas, M., Smilanich, A.  (2023)  Exploring spatial and temporal patterns of viral infection across populations of the Melissa blue butterfly.  Ecological Entomology 2023:1-13

Agneray, A., Forister, M. L., Parchman, T., Leger, E. A. (2023) Does a history of population co-occurrence predict plant performance, community productivity, or invasion resistance?  Ecology  104:e4100

Harvey, J., Tougeron, K., Gols, R., Heinen, R., et al.  (2023)  Scientists' warning on climate change and insects.  Ecological Monographs 93 e1553

Dilts, T. E., Black, S., Hoyle, S., Jepsen, S., May, E., Forister, M. L.  (2023)   Agricultural margins could enhance landscape connectivity for pollinating insects across the Central Valley of California, U.S.A. 18(2):e0267263


Balmaki, B., Rostami, M. A., Christensen, T., Leger, E. A., Allen, J. M., Feldman, C. R., Forister, M. L., Dyer, L. A.  (2022)  Modern approaches for leveraging biodiversity collections to understand change in plant-insect interactions. Fronteirs in Ecology and Evolution 10:924941.

Espeset, A. E., and Forister, M. L. (2022) In search of an honest butterfly: sexually selected wing coloration and reproductive traits from wild populations of the cabbage white butterfly.  Annals of the Entomological Society of America 115:156-162.

Gompert, Z., Saley, T., Philbin, C., Yoon, S. A., Perry, E., Sneck, M. E., Harrison, J. G., Buerkle, C. A., Fordyce, J. A., Nice, C. C., Dodson, C., Lebeis, S. L., Lucas, L. K., Forister, M. L.  (2022)  Additive genetic effects in interacting species jointly determine the outcome of caterpillar herbivory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119(36), p.e2206052119

Grames, E., Graham, M., Boyes, D., Dicks, L., Forister, M. L., Matson, T., Nakagawa, S., Prendergast, L., Taylor, N., Tingley, M., Wagner, D., White, T., Woodcock, P., Elphick, C. (2022)  A framework to systematically identify long-term insect abundance and diversity datasets applied to odonates. Conservation Science & Practice. e12687

Halsch, C. A., Hoyle, S. M., Code, A., Fordyce, J. A., Forister, M. L.  (2022)  Milkweed plants bought at nurseries may expose monarch caterpillars to harmful pesticide residues.  Biological Conservation 273 

Shastry, V., Bell, K. L., Buerkle, C. A., Fordyce, J. A., Forister, M. L., Gompert, Z., Lebeis, S. L., Lucas, L. K., Marion, Z. H., Nice, C. C.  (2022)  A continental-sale survey of Wolbachia infections in blue butterflies reveals evidence of interspecific transfer and invasion dynamics.  G3 12(10):jkac213

Sudta, C., Salcido, D. M., Forister, M. L., Walla, T., Villamarin-Cortez, S., and Dyer, L. A.  (2022)  Jack-of-all-trades paradigm meets long-term data: generalists herbivores are more widespread and locally less abundant.  Ecology Letters 25(4):948-57.

Yoon, S., Harrison, J., Smilanich, A., Forister, M. L.  (2022)  Experimental removal of extracellular egg-associated microbes has long-lasting effects for larval performance.  Functional Ecology 36:3248-3258 


Uckele, K., Jahner, J., Tepe, E., Richards, L., Dyer, L., Ochsenrider, K., Philbin, C., Kato, M., Yamaguchi, L., Forister, M. L., Smilanich, A., Dodson, C., Jeffrey, C., and Parchman, T.  (2021).  Evidence for both phylogenetic conservatism and lability in the evolution of secondary chemistry in a tropical angiosperm radiation.  Scientific Reports 11(1):1-14.

Harrison, J. G., Beltran, L. P., Buerkle, C. A., Cook, D., Gardner, D. R., Parchman, T. L., and Forister, M. L.  (2021)  A suite of rare microbes interacts with a dominant, heritable, fungal endophyte to influence plant trait expression.  The ISME Journal. 1-16.

Forister, M. L., Halsch, C. A., Nice, C. C., Fordyce, J. A., Dilts, T. E., Oliver, J. C., Prudic, K. L., Shapiro, A. M., Wilson, J. K., and Glassberg, J.  (2021)  Community scientists see fewer butterflies across the warming and drying landscapes of the American West.  Science. 371:1042-1045.

*** supplemental material

Halsch, C. A., Shapiro, A. M., Fordyce, J. A., Nice, C. C., Thorne, J. H., Waetjen, D. P., and Forister, M. L. (2021) Insects and recent climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (2) e2002543117; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2002543117

Wagner, D. L. Grames, E. M., Forister, M. L., Berenbaum, M. R., and Stopak, D. (2021). Insect decline in the Anthropocene: Death by a thousand cuts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (2) e2023989118; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2023989118

Freedman, M., De Roode, J., Forister, M. L., Kronforst, M., Pierce, A., Schultz, C., Taylor, O., and Crone, E.  (2021)  Are eastern and western monarch butterflies distinct populations? A review of evidence for ecological, phenotypic, and genetic differentiation and implications for conservation. Conservation Science and Practice 3:e432.

*** cover image


Forister, M. L., Philbin, C. S., Marion, Z. H., Buerkle, C. A., Dodson, C. D., Fordyce, J. A., Forister, G. W., Lebeis, S. L., Lucas, L. K., Nice, C. C., and Gompert, Z.  (2020). Predicting patch occupancy reveals the complexity of host range expansion.  Science Advances 6:eabc6852

*** supplemental material

Chaturvedi, S., Lucas, L., Buerkle, A., Fordyce, J. A., Forister, M. L., and Nice, C. C.  (2020) Recent hybrids recapitulate ancient hybrid outcomes.  Nature Communications 11:1-15

Stuble, K., Bewick, S., Fisher, M., Forister, M. L., Harrison, S., Shapiro, A. M., Latimer, A., and Fox, L.  (2020)  The promise and the perils of resurveying to understand impacts of global change.  Ecological Monographs e01435.

Fordyce, J. A., Nice, C. C., and Forister, M. L.  (2020). Commentary: Evaluation the migration mortality hypothesis using monarch tagging data.  Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:604914

Halsch, C. A., Shapiro, A. M., Thorne, J. H., Waetjen, D. P., and Forister, M. L.  (2020)  A winner in the Anthropocene: changing host plant distribution explains geographic range expansion in the gulf fritillary butterfly.  Ecological Entomology 45:652-662.

Wilson, J. S., Sidwell, J. S., Forister, M. L., Williams, K. A., and Pitts, J. P.  (2020)  Thistle-down velvet ants in the Desert Mimicry Ring and the evolution of white coloration: Müllerian mimicry, camouflage, and thermal ecology.  Biology Letters 16:20200242.

Halsch, C. A., Code, A., Hoyle, S. M., Fordyce, J. A., Baert, N., and Forister, M. L.  (2020)  Pesticide contamination of milkweeds across the agricultural, urban and open spaces of low elevation Northern California.  Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:162.  

*** supplemental material

Didham, R. K., Barbero, F., Collins, C. M., Forister, M. L., Hassall, C., Leather, S. R., Packer, L. Saunders, M. E., and Stewart, A. J.  (2020). Spotlight on insects: trends, threats and conservation challenges.  Insect Conservation and Diversity 13:99-102.

Forister, M. L., Yoon, S., Philbin, C. S., Dodson, C. D., Hart, B., Harrison, J. G., Shelef, O., Fordyce, J. A., Marion, Z. H., Nice, C. C., Richards, L. A., Buerkle, C. A., Lebeis, S., and Gompert, Z.  (2020)  Caterpillars on a phytochemical landscape.  Ecology and Evolution

*** supplemental material

Salcido, D. M., Forister, M. L., Lopez, H. G., and Dyer, L. A.  (2020)  Loss of dominant caterpillar genera in a protected tropical forest.  Scientific Reports 10:422 

Harvey, J., et al. (2020) International scientists formulate a roadmap for insect conservation and recovery. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4:174-176 

Spencer, T. L., Mohebbi, N., Forister, M. L., Jin, G., Alexeev, A., and Hu, D. L. (2020) Moth-inspired methods for particle capture on a cylinder. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 884


Yoon, S., Harrison, J., Philbin, C., Dodson, C., Jones, D., Wallace, I., Forister, M. L., and Smilanich, A.  (2019)  Host plant associated microbes mediate the caterpillar immune response: insights from a recent host expansion.  Oecologia 191:141-152

*** cover image

Gompert, Z., Brady, M., Chalyavi, F., Tara, S. C., Philbin, C., Tucker, M. K., Forister, M. L., and Lucas, L.  (2019)  Genomic evidence of genetic variation with pleiotropic effects on caterpillar fitness and plant traits in a model legume.  Molecular Ecology 28:2967-2985

Moccia, K., Willems, A., Papoulis, S., Flores, A., Forister, M. L., Fordyce, J. A., and Lebeis, S. L.  (2019)  Distinguishing nutrient-dependent plant driven bacterial colonization patterns in alfalfa.  Environmental Microbiology Reports

Forister, M. L.  (online early)  Pelton, E. M., and Black, S. H.  Declines in insect abundance and diversity: we know enough to act now.  Conservation Science & Practice 1:e80  DOI 10.1111/csp2.80

*** cover image

Baughman, O. W., Agneray, A. C., Forister, M. L., Kilkenny, F. F., Espeland, E. K., Fiegener, R., Horning, M. E., Johnson, R. C., Kaye, T. N., Ott, J. E., St. Clair, J. B., Leger, E. A.  (2019).  Strong patterns of intraspecific variation and local adaptation in Great Basin plants revealed through 75 years of experiments Ecology & Evolution 9:6259-6275

Dilts, T. E., Steele, M. O., Engler, J. D., Pelton, E. M., Jepsen, S. J., McKnight, S., Taylor, A. R., Fallon, C. E., Black, S. H., Cruz, E. E., Craver, D. R., and Forister, M. L.  (2019)  Host plants and climate structure habitat associations of the western monarch butterfly.  Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution 7:188

Nice, C. C., Forister, M. L., Fordyce, J. A., Harrison, J. G., Gompert, Z., Thorne, J. H., Waetjen, D. P., and Shapiro, A. M.  (2019)  Extreme heterogeneity of population response to climatic variation and the limits of prediction.  Global Change Biology 25(6):2127-2136 DOI 10.1111/gcb.14593

Harrison, J. G., Forister, M. L., Mcknight, S. R., Nordin, E., and Parchman, T. L.  (2019)  Rarity does not limit genetic variation or preclude subpopulation structure in the geographically restricted desert forb Astragalus lentiginosus var. piscinensis 106(2):1-10

Nice, C. C., Fordyce, J. A., Bell, K. L., Forister, M. L., Gompert, Z., and DeVries, P. J.  (2019)  Vertical differentiation in tropical forest butterflies: a novel mechanism generating insect diversity.  Biology Letters 15(1)

Dyer, L. A., and Forister, M. L.  (2019)  Challenges and advances in the study of latitudinal gradients in multitrophic interactions, with a focus on consumer specialization.  Current Opinion in Insect Science 32:68-76

Pardikes, N. A., Forister, M. L., Dyer, L. A.  (2019)  Preference and performance of Lepidoptera varies with tree age in juniper woodlands.  Ecological Entomology 44(1):140-150


Dyer, L. A., Philbin, C. S., Ochsenrider, K. M., Richards, L. R., Massad, T. J., Smilanich, A. M., Forister, M. L., Parchman, T. L., Galland, L., Hurtado, P. J., Espeset, A. E., Glassmire, A. E., Harrison, J. G., Mo, C., Yoon, S., Pardikes, N. A., Muchoney, N. D., Jahner, J. P., Slinn, H. L., Shelef, O., and Jeffrey, C. S.  (2018)  Modern approaches to study plant-insect interactions in chemical ecology.  Nature Reviews Chemistry 2: 50-64

Forister, M. L., Fordyce, J. A., Nice, C. C., Thorne, J. H., Waetjen, D. P., and Shapiro, A. M.  (2018) Impacts of a millennium drought on butterfly faunal dynamics.  Climate Change Responses 5(1):3

Chaturvedi, S., Lucas, L. K., Nice, C. C., Forister, M. L., and Gompert, Z.  (2018)  The predictability of genomic changes underlying a recent host shift in Melissa blue butterflies.  Molecular Ecology 27:2651-2666

Harrison, J. G., Parchman, T. L., Cook, D., Gardner, D. R., and Forister, M. L.  (2018)  A heritable symbiont and host-associated factors shape fungal endophyte communities across spatial scales.  Journal of Ecology 1-13

Harrison, J. G., Philbin, C., Gompert, Z., Forister, G. W., Hernandez-Espinoza, L., Sullivan, B. W., Wallace, I., Beltran, L., Dodson, C., Francis, J. S., Schlagater, A., Shelef, O., Yoon, S., and Forister, M. L.  (2018)  Deconstruction of a plant-arthropod community reveals influential plant traits and nonlinear effects on arthropod assemblages.  Functional Ecology 32:1317-1328

Nylin, S., Agosta, S., Bensch, S., Boeger, W. A., Braga, M. P., Brooks, D. R., Forister, M. L., Hambäck, P. A., Hoberg, E. P., Nyman, T., Schäpers, A., Stigall, A. L., Wahlberg, N., Wheat, C. W., Österling, M., Janz, N.  (2018)  Embracing colonizations: a new paradigm for species association dynamics.  Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33:4-14

Forister, M. L., Agosta , S. J.  (2018)  Evolution of specialization.  Oxford Bibliographies in Evolutionary Biology. Ed. Karin Pfennig. New York: Oxford University Press.


Forister, M. L., Cousens, B., Harrison, J. G., Anderson, K., Thorne, J. H., Waetjen, D., Nice, C. C., De Parsia, M., Hladik, M. L., Meese, R., van Vliet, H., and Shapiro, A. M.  (2016)  Increasing neonicotinoid use and the declining butterfly fauna of lowland California.  Biology Letters 12:20160475

*** supplemental material

Wilson, J. S., Jahner, J. P., and M. L. Forister.  (2016)  Human observers differ in ability to perceive insect diversity.  Environmental Conservation 43:376-380

Fordyce, J. A., Nice, C. C., Hamm, C. A., and Forister, M. L.  (2016)  Quantifying diet breadth through ordination of host associations.  Ecology 97:842-849 

Yoon, S., and Read, Q.  (2016)  Consequences of exotic host use: impacts on Lepidoptera and a test of the ecological trap hypothesis.  Oecologia 181:985-996

Espeset, A. E., Harrison, J. G., Shapiro, A. M., Nice, C. C., Thorne, J. H., Waetjen, D. P., and Forister, M. L.  (2016)  Understanding a migratory species in a changing world: climatic effects and demographic declines in the western monarch revealed by four decades of intensive monitoring.  Oecologia 181:819-930

Scherrer, S., Lepesqueur, C., Vieira, M. C., Almeida-Neto, M., Dyer, L., Forister, M. L., and Diniz, I. R. (2016) Seasonal variation in host plant specialization by folivorous lepidopterans: contrasting patterns at the species and the community.  Biotropica 48:491-498 

Dyer, L. A., and Forister, M. L. (2016)  Wherefore and whither the modeler: understanding the population dynamics of monarchs will require integrative and quantitative techniques.  Annals of the Entomological Society of America 1-4 

Harrison, J.G., Forister, M.L., Parchman, T.L., and Koch, G.W. (2016) Vertical stratification of the foliar fungal community in the world's tallest trees. American Journal of Botany 103(12): 1-9

*** cover image

Harrison, J. G., Gompert, Z., Fordyce, J. A., Buerkle, C. A., Grinstead, R., Jahner, J. P., Mikel, S., Nice, C. C., Santamaria, A., Forister, M. L.  (2016)  The many dimensions of diet breadth: chemical, genetic, behavioral and physiological perspectives on the interaction between a native herbivore and an exotic host. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0147971

Glassmire, A. E., Jeffrey, C. S., Forister, M. L., Parchman, T., Nice, C. C., Jahner, J. P., Wilson, J. S., Walla, T., Robinson, L., Smilanich, A. M., Morrison, C. R., Simbana, W., Salagaje, L. A., Dodson, C., Miller, J., Leonard, M. D., Villamarin-Cortez, S., and L. A. Dyer.  (2016)  Intraspecific phytochemical variation drives population and community structure for specialist caterpillars.  New Phytologist 212:208-219

*** commentary

Cowell, R. K., Gotelli, N. J., Ashton, L. A., Beck, J., Brehm, G., Fayle, T. M., Fiedler, K., Forister, M. L., Kessler, M., Kitching, R. L., Kliems, P., Kluge, J., Longino, J. T., Maunsell, S. C., McCain, C. M., Moses, J., Noben, S., Sam, K., Sam, L., Shapiro, A. M., Wang, X., Novotny, V.  (2016)  Midpoint attractors and species richness: Modeling the interaction between environmental drivers and geometric constraints.  Ecology Letters 19:1009-1022

*** cover image

Harrison, J. G., Urruty, D. M., and Forister, M. L.  (2016)  An exploration of the fungal assemblage in each life history stage of the butterfly, Lycaeides melissa (Lycaenidae), as well as its host plant Astragalus canadensis (Fabaceae).  Fungal Ecology 22:10-16


Jahner, J. P., Forister, M. L., Nice, C. C., Fordyce, J. A., Wilson, J. S., Murphy, D. D., Marion, Z. H., and Shapiro, A. M.  (2015)  Elevational differentiation in a widespread nearctic skipper, Polites sabuleti.  Journal of Biogeography 42:1787-1799 

Pardikes, N., Dyer, L. A., and Forister, M. L.  (2015)  Global weather and local butterflies: variable responses to a large-scale climate pattern along an elevational gradient.  Ecology 96:2891-2901

Kozubowski, T. J., Panorska, A. K., Forister, M. L.  (2015)  A discrete generalization of truncated Pareto and power-function distributions.   Statistical Methodology 26:135-150

Badik, K., Shapiro, A. M., Bonilla, M., Jahner, J., and Forister, M. L.  (2015)  Beyond annual and seasonal averages: butterfly richness predicted by patterns of precipitation across a range of temporal scales.  Ecological Entomology 40:585-595 

Richards, L. A., Dyer, L. A., Forister, M. L., Smilanich, A. M., Dodson, C. D., Leonard, M. D., and Jeffrey, C. S.  (2015)  Phytochemical diversity drives diversity of tropical plant-insect communities.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 112: 10973-10978

Preston, M., Forister, M. L., Pitchford, J. W., and Armsworth, P. A.  (2015)  Impact of individual movement and changing resource availability on male-female encounter rates in an herbivorous insect.  Ecological Complexity 24:13

Wilson, J. S., Jahner, J. P., Forister, M. L., Sheehan, E. S., Williams, K. A., and Pitts, J. P.  (2015)  North American velvet ants form one of the world’s largest known Müllerian mimicry complexes.  Current Biology 25:R693-R710

*** cover image

Gompert, Z., Jahner, J. P., Scholl, C. F., Wilson, J. S., Lucas, L. K., Soria-Carrasco, V., Fordyce, J. A., Nice, C. C., Buerkle, C. A., Forister, M. L.  (2015)  The evolution of novel host use is not constrained by tradeoffs or a lack of genetic variation.  Molecular Ecology 24:2777-2793

Jahner, J. P., Lucas, L. K., Wilson, J. S., and Forister, M. L.  (2015)  Morphological outcomes of gynandromorphism in Lycaeides butterflies.  Journal of Insect Science 15(38): DOI: 10.1093/jisesa/iev020

Forister, M. L., Novotny, V., Panorska, A. K., Baje, L., Basset, Y., Butterill, P. T., Cizek, L., Coley, P. D., Dem, F., Diniz, I. R., Drozd, P., Fox, M., Glassmire, A., Hazen, R., Hrcek, J., Jahner, J. P., Kama, O., Kozubowski, T. J., Kursar, T. A., Lewis, O. T., Lill, J., Marquis, R. J., Miller, S. E., Morais, H. C., Murakami, M., Nickel, H., Pardikes, N., Ricklefs, R. E., Singer, M. S., Smilanich, A. M., Stireman, J. O., Villamarín-Cortez, S., Vodka, S., Volf, M., Wagner, D. L., Walla, T., Weiblen, G. D., and L. A. Dyer. (2015)  The global distribution of diet breadth in insect herbivores.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112:442-447  

*** supplemental material 

Harrison, J. G., Shapiro, A. M., Espeset, A. E., Nice, C. C., Jahner, J. P., and Forister, M. L.  (2015)  Species with more volatile population dynamics are differentially impacted by weather.  Biology Letters 11: 20140792.  

*** supplemental material 

*** cover image 


Gompert, Z., Lucas, L., Buerkle, C. A., Forister, M. L., Fordyce, J. A., and Nice, C. A.  (2014)  Admixture and the organization of genetic diversity in a butterfly species complex revealed through common and rare genetic variants. Molecular Ecology 23:4555-4573.  

*** perspectives article 

*** supplemental info 

Nice, C. C., Forister, M. L., Gompert, Z., Fordyce, and J. A., Shapiro, A. M.  (2014)  A hierarchical perspective on the diversity of butterfly species' responses to weather across 38 years in the high Sierra Nevada mountains.  Ecology 95:2155-2168  

*** supplemental materials 

Scholl, C. F., Burls, K. J., Newton, J. L., Young, B., and Forister, M. L. (2014)  Parasitism and mutualism in a lycaenid butterfly: temporal and geographic variation in parasitoid attack with no evidence for ant protection.  Ecological Entomology 39:168-176

Lucas, A. M., Scholl, C. F., Murphy, D. D., Tracy, C. R., Forister, M. L.  (2014)  Geographic distribution, habitat association, and host quality for one of the rarest butterflies in North America: Thorne's hairstreak (Mitoura thornei).  Insect Conservation and Diversity 7:343-354

Casner, K. L., Forister, M. L., O'Brien, J. M., Thorne, J. T., Waetjen, D., Shapiro, A. M.  (2014)  Loss of agricultural land and a changing climate contribute to decline of an urban butterfly fauna.  Conservation Biology 28:773-782

Hamm, C. A., Handley, C. A., Pike, A., Forister, M. L., Fordyce, J. A., and Nice, C. C.  Wolbachia infection and Lepidoptera of conservation concern.  Journal of Insect Science 14

Burls, K. J., Shapiro, J., Forister, M. L., and Hoelzer, G. A.  (2014)  A nonlinear relationship between genetic diversity and productivity in a polyphagous seed beetle.  Oecologia 175:151-161

Casner, K. L., Forister, M. L., Ram, K., and Shapiro, A. M.  (2014) The utility of repeated presence-absence data as a surrogate for counts: a case study using butterflies.  Journal of Insect Conservation 18:13-27


Forister, M. L., and Wilson, J. S.  (2013)  The population ecology of novel plant-herbivore interactions.  Oikos 5:657-666

Forister, M. L., Scholl, C. F., Jahner, J. P., Wilson, J. S., Fordyce, J. A., Gompert, Z., Narala, D., Buerkle, C. A., and Nice, C. C.  (2013)  Specificity, rank preference and the colonization of a non-native host plant by the Melissa blue butterfly.  Oecologia 172:177-188

Mramba, L., Barber, S., Hommola, K., Dyer, L., Wilson, J. S., Forister, M. L., and Gilks, W. R. (2013)  Permutation tests for analysing cospeciation in multiple phylogenies: application in tri-trophic ecology.  Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 12:679-701

Wilson, J. S., Jahner, J. P., Williams, K. A., and Forister, M. L.  (2013)  Ecological and evolutionary processes drive the origin and maintenance of imperfect mimicry.  PLoS one 8:e61610

Gompert, Z., Lucas, L. K., Nice, C. C., Fordyce, J. A., Buerkle, C. A., and Forister, M. L.  (2013)  Geographically multifarious phenotypic divergence during speciation.  Ecology and Evolution 3:595-613

Wilson, J. S., Sneck, M., Murphy, D., Nice, C. C., Fordyce, J. A., and Forister, M. L.  (2013)  Complex evolutionary history of the pallid dotted-blue butterfly (Lycaenidae: Euphilotes pallescens) in the Great Basin of western North America.  Journal of Biogeography 11:2059-2070 

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Nice, C. C., Gompert, Z., Fordyce, J. A., Forister, M. L., Lucas, L. K., and Buerkle, C. A.  (2013)  Hybrid speciation and independent evolution in lineages of alpine butterflies.  Evolution 4:1055-1068 

*** supplemental materials 

Pravosudov, V., Roth, T., Forister, M. L., LaDage, L., Kramer, R., Schilkey, F., van der Linden, A.  (2013) Genetic basis for climate-related natural variation in memory and the hippocampus in food-caching chickadees.  Molecular Ecology 22:397-408


Wilson, J. S., Williams, K. A., Forister, M. L., and Pitts, J. P.  (2012)  Repeated evolution in overlapping mimicry rings among North American velvet ants.  Nature Communications 3:1272

Pravosudov, V. V., Roth II, T. C., Forister, M. L., LaDage, L. D., Burg, T. M., Braun, M. J., and Davidson, B. S.  (2012)  Population genetic structure does not explain naturally occurring variation in spatial memory and the hippocampus across a continental scale in food-caching black-capped chickadees.  Molecular Ecology 21:4486-4497

Andreasen, A., Stewart, K., Longland, W., Beckmann, J., Forister, M. L.  (2012)  Identification of source-sink dynamics in mountain lions of the Great Basin.  Molecular Ecology 21:5689-5701

Gompert, Z., Lucas, L. K., Nice, C. C., Fordyce, J. A., Forister, M. L., and Buerkle, C. A.  (2012)  Genomic evidence that reproductive isolation between two butterfly species evolved by divergent selection.  Evolution 66:2167-2181

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Wilson, J. S., von Dohlen, C. D., Forister, M. L., and Pitts, J. P.  (2012)  Family-level divergences in the stinging wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata), with correlations to Angiosperm diversification.  Evolutionary Biology 1-7

Forister, M. L., Dyer, L. A., Singer, M. S., Stireman, J. O., and Lill, J. T.  (2012)  Revisiting the evolution of ecological specialization, with emphasis on insect-plant interactions.  Ecology 93: 981-991 

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Forister, M. L., and Scholl, C. F.  (2012)  Exotic host use affects mate choice in an insect herbivore.  The American Naturalist  179: 805-810

Rauw, W. M., Teglas, M. B., Chandra, S., and Forister, M. L.  (2012)  Growth, root formation and nutrient value of Triticale plants fertilized with biosolids.  The Scientific World Journal  Article 467052 

Scholl, C. F., Nice, C. C., Fordyce, J. A., Gompert, Z., and Forister, M. L.  (2012)  Larval performance in the context of ecological diversification and speciation in Lycaeides butterflies.  International Journal of Ecology  Article 242154

Wilson, J. S., Forister, M. L., Dyer, L. A., O'Connor, J. M., Burls, K., Feldman, C. R., Jaramillo, M. A., Miller, J. S., Rodriguez-Castaneda, G., Tepe, E. J., Whitfield, J. B., and Young, B.  (2012)  Host conservatism, host shifts and diversification across three trophic levels in two Neotropical forests.  Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25:532-546

Runquist, E., Forister, M.L., and Shapiro, A.M.  (2012)  Phylogeography at large spatial scales: Incongruent patterns of population structure and demography in weedy Pan-American butterflies.  Journal of Biogeography 39:382-396 

Jahner, J. P., Shapiro, A. M., and Forister, M. L.  (2012)  Drivers of hybridization in a 66-generation record of Colias butterflies.  Evolution 66:818-830 

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Forister, M. L., Jahner, J. P., Casner, K. L., Wilson, J. S., and Shapiro, A. M.  (2011)  The race is not to the swift: long-term data reveal pervasive declines in California's low-elevation butterfly fauna.  Ecology 92:2222-2235 

*** supplemental material 

Fordyce, J. A., Gompert, Z., Forister, M. L., and Nice, C. C.  (2011)  A hierarchical Bayesian approach to ecological count data: a flexible tool for ecologists.  PLoS ONE 6:e26785 

Forister, M. L., Fordyce, J. A., McCall, A. C., and Shapiro, A. M.  (2011) A complete record from colonization to extinction reveals density dependence and the importance of winter conditions for a population of the silvery blue, Glaucopsyche lygdamus.  Journal of Insect Science 11:1-9

Jahner, J. P., Bonilla, M. M., Badik, K. J., Shapiro, A. M., and Forister, M. L.  (2011)  Use of exotic hosts by lepidoptera: widespread species colonize more novel hosts. Evolution 65:2719-2724

Forister, M. L., Gompert, Z., Fordyce, J. A., and Nice, C. C.  (2011)  After sixty years, an answer to the question: what is the Karner blue butterfly?  Biology Letters 7:399-402

Forister, M. L., Gompert, Z., Nice, C. C., Forister, G. W., and Fordyce, J. A.  (2011) Ant association facilitates the evolution of diet breadth in a lycaenid butterfly.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B  278:1539-1547 

*** supplemental material 

Forister, M. L., and Feldman, C. R.  (2011)  Phylogenetic cascades and the evolution of tropical diversity.  Biotropica 43(3):270-278

Books, book chapters, and book reviews

Books and book chapters

Lucas, L. K., Forister, M. L., Fordyce, J. A., and Nice, C. C. (2016) Mountains of detail: on the trail with Nabokov's blues. in S. G. Blackwell and K. Johnson, editors. Fine Lines: Vladimir Nabokov's Scientific Art. Yale

Dyer, L. A., and Forister, M. L. (2015)  The Lives of Lepidopterists. Springer

*** cover image

Dyer, L. A., Massad, T. J., and Forister, M. L. (2015) The question of scale in trophic ecology. in T. C. Hanley and K. J. La Pierre, editors. Trophic Ecology: Bottom-Up and Top-Down Interactions across Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems. Cambridge University Press.

      Book reviews

Forister, M. L.  (2021). The Disappearance of Butterflies, J. H. Reichholf & Nature's Best Hope, D. W. Tallamy.  American Entomologist

Forister, M. L.  (2018)  Monarchs and Milkweed: A Migrating Butterfly, A Poisonous Plant, and their Remarkable Story of Coevolution.  The Quarterly Review of Biology 93:32.

Forister, M. L.  (2017)  Monarchs in a Changing World: Biology and Conservation of an Iconic Insect, K. S. Oberhauser, K. R. Nail and S. Altizer, eds.  The Quarterly Review of Biology 92:466.

Leger, E. A. and Forister, M. L.  (2013)  The Evolutionary Strategies that Shape Ecosystems, J. P. Grime and S. Pierce.  Ecology

Forister, M. L.  (2008)  Insect Ecology: An Ecosystem Approach, T. D. Schowalter.  The Quarterly Review of Biology.

Forister, M. L.  (2007)  Insects, their Natural History and Diversity, S. A. Marshall. The Quarterly Review of Biology 82: 58-59.

Forister, M. L.  (2006)  Evolution of the Insects, D. Grimaldi and M. S. Engel.  The Quarterly Review of Biology 81:288-289.

Forister, M. L.  (2006)  The Evolution of American Ecology, 1890-2000, S. E. Kingsland.  The Quarterly Review of Biology 81: 194-195.

Forister, M. L.  (2006)  The Great Gypsy Moth War, a History of the First Campaign in Massachusetts to Eradicate the Gypsy Moth, 1890-1901, R. J. Spear.  The Quarterly Review of Biology 81: 151.

Forister, M. L.  (2005)  Biogeography, an Ecological and Evolutionary Approach, C. B. Cox and P. D. Moore. Journal of Biogeography 32: 2190-2191

Forister, M. L. and McKay, J. K. (2005)  Speciation, J. A. Coyne and H. A. Orr.  Ecology 86: 808-809.


Forister, M. L. and Shapiro, A. M.  (2018)  Spring flight of California Central Valley Butterflies (updated), (eds. Milanes, C., Kadir, T., Lock, B., Monserrat, L., Pham, N., and Randles, K.) California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA).

Forister, M. L. (2017)  Long-term data and long-term analyses on the population dynamics and ecology of Lepidoptera.  News of the Lepidopterists Society

Forister, M. L. and Shapiro, A. M.  (2013)  Spring flight of California Central Valley Butterflies (updated), (eds. Kadir, T., Mazur, L., Milanes, C., and Randles, K.) California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA).

Forister, M. L. and Shapiro, A. M.  (2009)  Spring flight of California Central Valley Butterflies, in Indicators of Climate Change in California, (eds. Mazur, L., and Milanes, C.) California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA). 

Forister, M. L.  (2007)  Butterflies and climate change.  Wings, the magazine of the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation.