Research in our lab (the Great Basin Bug Lab, a.k.a the Forister lab at the University of Nevada, Reno) is focused on the ecology and evolution of interspecific interactions, population biology, and the conservation of insects and Lepidoptera in particular. Check out the links above to find our publications and read about what individual people are doing.

Ongoing projects in the lab include:

● Long-term population records and monitoring (HERE for more info)

● Prioritizing western butterflies for conservation (preprint here; online tool here)

● Plant-insect biology and global change

● The evolution of diet breadth in herbivorous insects

● Phytochemical mediation of co-evolutionary dynamics

● Systematics of neotropical Lepidoptera

For prospective students. We have a PhD program and a Master's program in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology. Students interested in joining the lab should check out the relevant links below and contact me (Matt Forister) at

Useful links

University, department and grad group:

Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology Graduate Program

Biology Department, College of Science

University of Nevada, Reno

Other sites of interest:

Nevada Bugs and Butterflies

Art's Sierran Butterflies

(information on the butterfly diversity in our backyard)