About Us


To strive for the purity of water, the clarity of air, and the wise stewardship of the land and its resources;

To know the beauty and understanding of nature, and the value of wildlife, woodlands and open spaces;

To the preservation of this heritage and to our sharing of it, I pledge myself as a member of the Izaak Walton League of America.

The Izaak Walton League is a diverse group of men and women dedicated to protecting our nation's soil, air, woods, waters and wildlife.Our strength lies in our grassroots, commonsense approach to solving local, regional and national conservation issues. Our interests span the spectrum of outdoor recreation and conservation activities, from angling and birding to stream monitoring, wildlife photography and hunting. But we all share one major goal: to protect and sustainably use America's rich resources to ensure a high quality of life for all people, now and in the future.

The Izaak Walton League of America (IWLA) was founded in Chicago in 1922 to form a plan of action to combat water pollution in lakes and streams. The group named itself after Izaak Walton, the 17th century author of the literary classic The Compleat Angler.

Long before the terms biodiversity and ecosystem management became common, IWLA members were fighting to protect whole watersheds, bio regions, air and water quality, and wildlife habitat.

The IWLA strives to look at the big environmental picture, working to protect the systems in which all creatures live.

For more information about the Izaak Walton League in Minnesota see: