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Noun: A noun is a person, place, thing, quality, or act.
Examples: pencil, girl, supermarket, happiness

Verb: Verbs are action or existence words that tell what nouns do.
Examples: to fly, to run, to be, jump, lived

Adjective: An adjective describes a noun.
Examples: hairy, crazy, wonderful

Adverb: An adverb describes a verb, adjective, or adverb. It often ends in "ly".
Examples: carefully, easily, barely

Interjection: An outcry or sudden utterance. Usually starts a sentence.
Examples: Wow, Gosh, Darn

Preposition: A preposition describes the relationship between a noun and another noun
(or verb or adverb).
Examples: to, under, for, at, by, from

Conjunction: A conjunction joins together words, phrases, or clauses.
Examples: and, or, but

Pronoun: A pronoun replaces a noun or noun phrase that is understood from context.
Examples: he, it, they

1. Watch the movie above and answer the question: Every sentence needs 3 things, what are they?

2. Grammar Game: Grammar Gorillas 

3. KimKit Grammer Games 

4.  Complete the EdPuzzle and answer the questions

a. What are the purposes of these parts of speech?

      b. Why was the word late, used in the previous example, both an adverb and an adjective?

c. Which one of these is not an interjection?

d. What is the definition of preposition?