
academic positions and roles


My study in Exeter was funded by a University of Exeter Business School studentship, which included both fees and maintenance. My thesis is available for download here. 

I began my PhD studies in Birmingham in 2012, but in 2014 relocated to finish studying in Exeter. My postgraduate study at the University of Birmingham was funded by a generous ESRC 1+3 grant, which included both fees and maintenance.

My  postgraduate study was funded by the ESRC, which included both fees and maintenance. I passed with Distinction

I graduated with first class honours.

I attended King Edward VI High School in Staffordshire, and St Lawrence Primary School in Gnosall. I am a first generation university graduate.


Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Physica A, International Journal of Game Theory, Transportation Research Part A, National Science Foundation, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Theory and Decision, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Health Economics, Journal of Consumer Policy, Management Science, Experimental Economics, European Economic Review, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy.