How to Get Involved



We have a flexible and open leadership team model. We invite interfaith participation and community involvement. We are expanding and trying new ideas. Come join us:

At present, we have regular and part-time members from the Davis/Winters community, and some from UC Davis. 

Ann, Claudette, Dave, Harriette, Karen, Jack, Jim, Julie, Loni, Mike, Peter, Renee, Usha

Joy, Juliann, Kristin, Suzanne, Wendy

 Ansh, Chris, and Kendall


Grace Garden is completely supported and built by volunteers.  Volunteering not only helps us meet our mission, but as a volunteer you will be able to:

Grace garden has volunteer opportunities for all ages, families, and all levels of knowledge about gardening.  We have learned and enjoyed working together as a team. All you need is the willingness to get a bit dirty!

Come out ready to do the “project of the day” in the garden.


Come and take a look at Grace Garden. Meet our team and volunteers.


Grace Garden is completely supported by donations, fundraising, and grants.  Your donation will help support our mission. 

We encourage donations of personal funds and time,  and other nontraditional donations including the transfer of any asset, usually goods or services, contributed by individuals or other organizations and companies. 

Click the Donation button at the top of this web-page for more details.

Work varies seasonally at Grace Garden and we have gardening jobs that require muscle and dexterity as well as easier jobs that can be done just sitting on a chair, i.e. washing and filling pots,  designing flyers, or writing labels. Our major jobs are weeding, sheet mulching with cardboard as weed control, planting, harvesting, pruning, and composting. Non-gardening needs include sanding and repainting furniture, murals, signage, irrigation repair and replacement, making art décor, and cleaning/organizing. There’s a job for anyone who would like to help at Grace Garden. We are open to new ideas for expansion and improvement.

If you like to build things. . .

If you like to work behind the scenes. . .

If you like to get your hands dirty. . .