

Performance Pay, Trade and Inequality

Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 172, November 2017, pp. 478-504.

Online appendix: click here

Unobservable Skill Dispersion and Comparative Advantage (with M. Bombardini and G. Gallipoli)

Journal of International Economics, Vol. 92, Issue 2, March 2014, pp. 317-29.

Skill Dispersion and Trade Flows (with M. Bombardini and G. Gallipoli)

American Economic Review, Vol. 102, No. 5, August 2012, pp. 2327-48.

Online appendix, dataset and codes: click here

Working Papers

Estimating the Gains from Trade in Frictional Local Labor Markets (with B. Sand and J. Tschopp). Appendix.

How Robust is the Skill-Dispersion-Complementarity Hypothesis? (with M. Bombardini and G. Gallipoli)

Non-Market Interactions and Entry into Export Markets

Work in Progress

Identifying Sources of Comparative Advantage (with M. S. Kim)

Informality and Labor Market Outcomes (with C. Corseuil)