Prof. Dr. Grischa Perino
© Sebastian Engels Fotografie
Current Positions
Professor of Economics, University of Hamburg
Director, Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN)
Managing Director, Earth and Society Research Hub (ESRAH)
Principal Investigator, Board Member and Chair of 'Dynamics of Climate Governance', Cluster of Excellence 'Climate, Climate Change and Society (CliCCS)
Contact Details
Department of Socioeconomics
University of Hamburg
Welckerstr. 8
20354 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 42838-8767
Recent Media Appearances
Gegenwind wird kommen, Interview, Öko Test, August 2023.
Warum Investoren Emissionsrechte kaufen, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 31.7.2023
Rendite und Klimaschutz? Die zweifelhaften Versprechen eines Fintechs, Handelsblatt, 11.05.2023
Germans back a meat tax to improve animal welfare, The Times, 16.02.2023
Mögliche „Fleischsteuer“: Für die Tiere ja, fürs Klima weniger, Tagesspiegel, 16.02.2023
We call on the European Parliament to stick with the Commission's vision for CO₂ emissions reduction (with various colleagues), Le Monde, 07.06.2022 (Euractiv version)
Is there a fatal flaw in the EU's emissions trading scheme? (with Max Willner), EU Observer, 12.01.2022
Börse statt Bäume, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 19.09.2021
Studie: Viele Menschen verstehen die CO2-Bepreisung nicht – aber dies lässt sich ändern,, 19.07.2021
Besser als Berlin, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 07.05.2021
Wie die Marktstabilitätsreserve den Emissionshandel destabilisiert, Tagesspiegel Background Energie & Klima, 30.04.2021
The EU ETS needs a new autopilot: a proposed reform for the MSR, LIFE DICET Blog, 19.03.2021
Schildbürgerstreich Kohleausstieg: Teuer und mit ungewisser Klimawirkung, Tagesspiegel Background Energie & Klima, 12.03.2020
Klimaplan: Warum ein Experte gegen die Solar-Pflicht ist, Interview, Hamburger Abendblatt, 04.12.2019
Fürs Klima: Fliegen verbieten?, Live-Experte (ab 17:30min) bei DISKUTHEK, 18.07.2019
Klimagerecht, Gastkommentar, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 14.6.2019
Self-signaling in voting (with Lydia Mechtenberg, Nicolas Treich, Jean-Robert Tyran and Stephanie Wang), Journal of Public Economics, 231, 105070 , 2024.
Free riding in climate protests (with Johannes Jarke-Neuert and Henrike Schwickert), Nature Climate Change, 13(11), 1197–1202, 2023.
Animal welfare is a stronger determinant of public support for meat taxation than climate change mitigation in Germany (with Henrike Schwickert), Nature Food, 4, 160–169, 2023 . Covered e.g. by: Science Media Center, The Times, Tagesspiegel, Stern, Focus, Greenpeace Magazin, Nordbayern, Deutschlandfunk Nova, Bayern 2, 3sat
The European Union Emissions Trading System Market Stability Reserve: Does It Stabilize or Destabilize the Market? (with Maximilian Willner, Simon Quemin and Michael Pahle), Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 16(2), 338-345, 2022.
Meaty arguments and fishy effects: Field experimental evidence on the impact of reasons to reduce meat consumption (with Claudia Schwirplies), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 114, 102667, 2022.
New EU ETS Phase 4 rules temporarily puncture waterbed, Nature Climate Change, 8(4), 262-264, 2018.
The Climate Policy Hold-Up: Green Technologies, Intellectual Property Rights, and the Abatement Incentives of International Agreements (with Timo Goeschl), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 119(3), 709-732, 2017.
Do Renewable Energy Policies Reduce Carbon Emissions? On Caps and Inter-Industry Leakage (with Johannes Jarke), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 84, 102–124, 2017 (preprint).
Procrastinating Reform: The Impact of the Market Stability Reserve on the EU ETS (with Maximilian Willner), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 80, 37-52, 2016 (preprint).
Climate campaigns, cap-and-trade and carbon leakage: Why reducing your carbon footprint can harm the climate, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2(3), 469-495, 2015 (final version).
Bringing Ecosystem Services into Economic Decision-Making: Land Use in the United Kingdom (with Bateman, I.J., et al.), Science 341(6141), 45-50, 2013.
Recent Working Papers
The Impact of Information Provision on Revealed-Preference Support for Climate Policies (with Daniela Flörchinger, Johannes Jarke-Neuert and Manuel Frondel), April 2024
Complexity and Learning Effects in Voluntary Climate Action: Evidence from a Field Experiment (with Johannes Jarke-Neuert, Daniela Flörchinger and Manuel Frondel), April 2023
Overlapping climate policies, (with Robert Ritz and Arthur van Benthem), preevious version circulated as NBER Working Paper 25643
An Upgrade for the EU ETS: Making Art. 29a and 30h fit for effective price containment (with Maximilian Willner), CEN Policy Brief, April 2022.
Arbitrage in cost-based redispatch: Evidence from Germany (with Philip Schnaars), August 2021
EU ETS stability mechanism needs new design (with Michael Pahle, Fabian Pause, Simon Quemin, Hannah Scheuing and Maximilian Willner), February 2021
Understanding Sector Coupling: The General Equilibrium Emissions Effects of Electro-Technology and Renewables Deployment (with Johannes Jarke-Neuert), February 2019