Research Interests

I work broadly in the field of probability theory. In particular, I am mostly excited by problems originating in statistical mechanics and mathematical physics. I also dabble in combinatorics, ergodic theory and theoretical statistics from time to time. 

Most recently, I have been thinking about various random surface models which conjecturally have a conformally invariant scaling limits (which in most cases is the Gaussian free field). I am also interested in understanding the behaviour of various types of gradient models with hard core constraints.

In another direction, I am also interested in understanding whether a statistical mechanics model can be realized as a factor of iid and its various relations with the underlying geometry of the graph and the phase transition of the model.

In the past, I have worked in and around various aspects of random planar maps, Liouville quantum gravity and unimodular random graphs and uniform spanning trees. I also go back to these topics from time to time. 

Selected Publications

1.  Classification of half planar maps (with Omer Angel) In Ann. Probab. Volume 43, Number 3 (2015), 1315-1349.

2. Unimodular hyperbolic triangulations: circle packing and random walk (with Omer Angel, Tom Hutchcroft and Asaf Nachmias). In Inventiones Mathematicae206, 229-268, 2016.

3. Hyperbolic and parabolic unimodular random maps (with Omer Angel, Tom Hutchcroft and Asaf Nachmias). GAFA, 28, 879-942, 2018.

4. A short proof of the discontinuity of phase transition in the planar random-cluster model with q>4 (with Yinon Spinka). Comm. Math. Physics. 2020.  Talk by Yinon Spinka at BIRS.

5. Dimers and Imaginary geometry. (with Nathanael Berestycki and Benoit Laslier).  In Ann. Probab. 2020. A survey talk  about the project for general audience given at QM^3 seminar.  A survey talk by Nathanael Berestycki at JIPS.

6. Logarithmic variance for the height function of square-ice (With Hugo Duminil-Copin, Matan Harel, Benoit Laslier and Aran Raoufi). In Commun. Math. Phys. 2022.

Full list of publication and preprints

Gaussian free field and related surface  models

Dimer Model and scaling limits

Statistical physics models as Factors of i.i.d.

Random planar maps, trees, and unimodular random graphs.

Signal Detection problem in Statistical physics models

Slides and videos from some talks




I have had the privilege to work and write papers with Omer Angel, Erich Baur, Nathanael Berestycki, Sohom Bhattacharya, Nicolas Curien, Guillaume Chapuy, Hugo Duminil-Copin, Matan Harel, Tom Hutchcroft, Benoit Laslier, Gregory Miermont, Krishanu Maulik, Rajarshi Mukherjee, Asaf Nachmias, Gabor Pete, Ellen Powell, Aran Raoufi, Yinon Spinka.