Distributed Computing

About the course:

This course will focus on the algorithmic and theoretical underpinnings of distributed computing.

Lecture Notes:



Broadcast and Tree Algorithms

Homework 1: Chapter "Model": Exercise 1.1, Chapter "Broadcast and Tree Algorithms": Exercise 1.4, Exercise 1.5, Exercise 1.6. Due date: Sep 22.

Shortest Path Algorithms

Homework 2: Chapter "Shortest Paths Algorithms": Exercise 1.1, Exercise 1.2, Exercise 1.3., Exercise 1.4; Due date: Oct. 24.

Leader Election

Homework 3: Chapter "Leader Election": Exercise 1.1, Exercise 1.2, Exercise 1.3., Exercise 1.4; Due date: Nov. 14.

MapReduce Algorithms

Homework 4: Chapter "MapReduce Algorithms": Exercise 1.1, 1.2, Exercise 1.3, Exercise 1.5.; Due date: Dec. 12.