

Nonlinear Means-Tested Pensions: Welfare and Distributional Analysis, with Daniel Wheadon, George Kudrna, and Alan Woodland.  Economic Modelling, Volume 138, 2024 (pdf)

The changing determinants of juvenile crime: Evidence from micro data, with Philippe Belley and Evgenia Dechter, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 23(2), 323-347 (pdf)

The decline in capital-skill complementarity, with Stanley Cho and Evgenia Dechter. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Vol 138, May 2022 (pdf)

COVID-19: The impact of social distancing policies, cross-country analysis. Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, October 2020 (with Evgenia Dechter, UNSW and Miguel Lorca, UNSW)  (pdf)

The wealth distribution in developed and developing economies: comparing the United States to Chile using survey data from 2007, Chilean Economic Journal Vol. 22 Nº 3 December 2019. (with Sofia Bauducco, CBCh and Andrew Davis, Acadia University). 

Labor Market Flows in Chile. Chilean Economic Journal Vol. 22 Nº 2 August 2019 (with Roberto Gillmore, U. Texas at Austin and Isabel Poblete, Superintendence of Social Security Chile).(In spanish)

A Model of Labor Supply, Fixed Costs and Work Schedules, Journal of Monetary Economics 2018, with Evgenia Dechter, (pdf)

College Risk and Return, Review of Economic Dynamics, Vol. 26, October 2017, P. 91-112 (pdf

online appendix   (media coverage1, 2)

The Changing Roles of Education and Ability in Wage Determination, Journal of Labor Economics, 2014, October, vol. 32, no. 4. with Evgenia Dechter, (pdf)

The Effects of Minimum Wage Increase on Labor Market Outcomes in Chile, Chilean Economic Journal. Vol. 15 Nº 2 August 2012. (pdf)    


Changing Inflation Dynamics, Evolving Monetary Policy, with Jordi Galí and Diego Saravia. 2020, Central Bank of Chile,(pdf)

Other Publications

COVID-19: Cross-country heterogeneity in effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions.  Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers, 14, 6 May 2020. (with Evgenia Dechter, UNSW and Miguel Lorca, UNSW)

Working Papers

Incentives to perform in a low-stakes setting and high-stakes outcomes, with Evgenia Dechter (pdf)

Entrepreneurship, Labor Market Dynamics and Unemployment over the Business Cycle, with Miguel Ricaurte, (pdf)

(media coverage)

Accounting for Changes in College Attendance Profile: A Quantitative Life-cycle Analysis

Chilean Labor Market in 1980-2012, with Fabián Sepúlveda (in Spanish) (pdf

Cyclicality of Wage Structure and Vintage-Capital-Skill Complementarity, with Evgenia Dechter.

Work in Progress

Match Quality, Transferability of Human Capital and Job Transitions, with Hugo Hopenhayn and Evgenia Dechter

Body weight and labor market, with Evgenia Dechter and Tess Stafford 

Teacher Quality, with Evgenia Dechter and Jose Silva

Income Disparities in Criminal Sentencing, with Evgenia Dechter and Nicolas Rivera

Business Cycle and Careers of Young Workers in Chile, with Roberto Gillmore and Isabel Poblete

Daylight Saving Time, with Evgenia Dechter, Roberto Gilmore and Isabel Poblete. 

Technological change, joint with Evgenia Dechter and Emma Chow.

Updated: 03/2023