Apartments. Kyiv. Ukraine

Apartments. Kacha, Sevastopol, Ukraine

Apartments. Concept. Kyiv. Ukraine

Community Center. Vakulenchuk st, Sevastopol, Ukraine

Black River Valley Vinery, Sevastopol, Ukraine

Residential buildings, Gorpischenko st, Sevastopol, Ukraine

Residential buildings. Shevchenko st, Sevastopol, Ukrain

Shopping mall. Vakulenchuk st, Sevastopol, Ukraine

Residental. Simferopol, Ukraine

Residential buildings. POR, Sevastopol, Ukraine

Residential buildings. Stepanyana st, Sevastopol, Ukraine

Residental. Captan's st, Sevastopol, Ukraine

Kindergarten. Antique Avenue, Sevastopol, Ukraine

Residental (President's house). Antique Avenue, Sevastopol, Ukraine

Residental (Round house). Antique Avenue, Sevastopol, Ukraine

School. Artek, Yalta, Ukraine

Banking Academy NBU, Sevastopol, Ukraine

"Gardens of the World", Banking Academy NBU. Sevastopol, Ukraine

Cultural and Entertainment Center. Sevastopol, Ukraine

Cape Crystal Concept. Sevastopol, Ukraine