
...He had a good idea of what his article was worth from several points of view. From one of these, the thing's worth could be expressed in one short hyphenated indecency; from another, it was worth the amount of frenzied fact-grubbing and fanatical boredom that had gone into it; from yet another, it was worthy of its aim, the removal of the `bad impression' he'd so far made in the College and in his Department.

Kingsley Amis, Lucky Jim

Working Papers

Nash Implementation Using Simple Mechanisms Without Undesirable Mixed-Strategy Equilibria


On the Optimality of Diverse Expert Panels in Persuasion Games (with Sourav Bhattacharya and Arijit Mukherjee) (2018), Games and Economic Behavior 107, 345-363.

Communication in Cournot Oligopoly (with Gregory Pavlov) (2014), Journal of Economic Theory 153, 152-176.

(Online Appendix) (Supplementary Appendix)

Optimal Information Transmission in a Holdup Problem (2011), RAND Journal of Economics 42(3), 495-526.

How to Talk to Multiple Audiences (with Gregory Pavlov) (2011), Games and Economic Behavior 72(1), 100-122.

Interim Performance Feedback in Multistage Tournaments: The Optimality of Partial Disclosure (with Arijit Mukherjee) (2011), Journal of Labor Economics 29, 229-265.

Mediation, Arbitration and Negotiation (with Johannes Hörner, Gregory Pavlov and Francesco Squintani) (2009), Journal of Economic Theory 144, 1397-1420.