The Great Debate

Our world is in a great conflict. The disasters, tragedies, crimes and selfishness occurring everywhere raise many questions, such as:

If there is a God, how could all these horrors be allowed?

If God is love, why doesn’t He stop all this suffering?

Does God want His children to suffer?

How could I ever believe in a God that stands by during all this evil?

In all of this the Bible brings us clear answers on God’s involvement in our world, even our individual lives. Jesus reveals to us the beauty of God’s character amidst all the sorrows that fill our world.

The simple point is this - our world is the center of a great debate over God’s character.

Does God care?

Is He loving?

Is He worthy of our love?

Can God be trusted?

As you read this series we pray that you will find answers to all the questions posed above, especially the answer “Can I trust God?”

1. The Issue

2. God's Response

3. God's Sacrifice

4. Our Choice
