Gobbo's RPG
Gobbo's is an rpg where you play the other side of the coin. In Gobbo's the adventuring party is a terror that strikes out of no where and slays all your fiends and relatives, then steals all your hard gained goods.
You are the oppressed, low life that everyone else treats as a blithering idiot. The poor little green cretin with cute pointy ears who may or may not be good at mechanical tasks. The little fella fighting for survival against the every present risk of Rat!
Well everyone has their time, and now is your time!
Some subtle change has occurred, a mutation has crept in that is going to change everything. Soon they will be grovelling at your glorious warty feet, the snivelling pathetic whimps. Soon you will be slapping orcs around, "who's my bitch now!", and giving orders. Soon elves and dwarves will be making exquisite items just to keep you happy. Soon all the ice cream and peanut-butter men can make will be yours, and only yours!
In Gobbo's you will play a goblin. You can be any colour you chose, as long as it is green. You begin as a pathetic 1d-1 creature and with time you will become overlord of all you survey (including the curtains). This will happen because you are the first of a new breed of goblin, a goblin that can take the very best of everyone else and absorb it, becoming bigger, better, stronger and smarter. Before they realise what has happened it will be too late, you will have evolved past them, become better then they are, become the dominant race! Become the Hero's you always feared. The boot will be on the other foot (damn those hobbits!).
Gobbo's is an experiment in seeing things from the other side. Turning standard cliche's around and seeing them for what they really are - homicidal maniacs looking out for number one! The humour of Gobbo's will come from the juxtaposition of the players from one side of the coin to the other side. Playing in a world where everyone likes you - you are the Hero's - to a game where everyone thinks you are menial labour or fodder, even your own people. You begin as weak creatures and evolve into stronger ones, but there will be a need to hide your growing power from the Powers-that-Be, least they feel threatened. Just remember, everything bigger than you is your enemy (and rats, rats are your enemy also, never forget that!)
Apart from the story line I am also going to experiment with a few mechanical ideas - more use of ways to vary the game on the fly (both by the GM and the Players), more use of cards to help the game flow, more ability to create spur of the moment adventures without having to do as much background work, some interesting risk dynamics to make the game exciting. One premise I will be using is player immortality, which is to say that a players character cannot be removed from the game. Certainly they will be slain, fairly often, but mechanics will be provided to ensure that a new version of that character re-enters play shortly after. My reasons for this are simply my preference of play style, I play a game to develop a character, to evolve a story from start to finish. Character death stops this process. If you dont like that then you will need to change the game.