School Info

Hello Mitchell Monster Families,

We are very excited to welcome students back to school next week. Below is some important information to help make the start of the school go smoothly for everyone. We ask that you please be patient and understand that changes may be made throughout the start of the school year as this is all new to all of us. Thank you for your continued support and enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Mr. Bray, Principal

School Phone Number: Here is our new phone number to use when calling the school. 508-964-7500.

Pre-K Hours of Operation:

8:05-8:15 - AM Pre-K Drop-Off

8:15-10:45 - AM Session

10:45-10:50 - AM Dismissal

12:10-12:15 - PM Pre-K Drop-Off

12:15-2:45 - PM Session

2:45-2:50 - PM Dismissal

*1:55-2:05 - Full Day Pre-K Dismissal

***If you are bringing your child in late or dismissing them early from Pre-K you must come to the main entrance and speak with our school secretaries.***

Grades K-2 Hours of Operation:

8:45 - Morning Parent Drop-Off

8:50 - Bus Drop-Off

9:05am - 3:15pm -

Parent Pick-Up :***All families will wait outside the MAIN ENTRANCE. Teachers will bring their students outdoors to you. ALL adults picking up a student must have an ID with them. This will be a slow process until teachers/staff become familiar with families. Please be patient.

Buses for Dismissal ***Please be at your child’s assigned stop 10-15 minutes early to greet your child as they arrive home.***

We understand that some students may be nervous about exiting their car at the beginning of the year. Thus, families can park in a parking spot in the lower lot (see map) and walk their child to the main lobby. Adults can not enter the building with their child. Please use the crosswalks. We hope this will help ease some of the stress and anxiety of students at the start of the school year.

***The Bridgewater Police Department requests that vehicles do not line up or arrive prior to 8:45a.m. Vehicles arriving early must park in the lower lot (see map).

Message from School Nurses:

We are a Peanut and Tree Nut Aware District: students should not share food, there is no eating on buses, and the cafeteria does not serve foods that contain peanut/tree nuts.

Please have your child keep a spare set of clothing in his/her backpack at all times. Bathroom accidents, food spills, etc... do happen. If they have their own clothing they can go directly to the bathroom and change their clothing.

Top 10 Mitchell Facts

1. Dennis Bray is the school Principal.

2. Michelle Zachary is the Assistant Principal.

3. Mitchell is now located in our brand new building 500 South Street and is home to student is Pre-K-2nd grade.

4. Mitchell has two administrators located in the main office:

  • Kristy Kirkland

  • Judi Lowder

5. Mitchell has two school nurses and one school nurses aid:

  • Kathy Smith, Nurse

    • Marisa Pacheco, Nurse

6. Students have snack time each day. Some classes have their snack in their classrooms and some eat their snack in the Cafeteria.

7. GMSPA meets on a monthly basis. Please join us and be part of your child’s educational experience.

8. Mitchell Administration strives to keep class sizes to between 20 and 30 students as Mitchell values low teacher-to-student ratios. Research has shown that class size plays a significant role in the learning process. Every effort is made to balance all grades so that class sizes can be as low as possible.

10. The Mitchell student population is typically 1,000 students each year made up of approximately 650 families.