We are so excited to welcome all our students to the brand new 

George Mitchell Elementary School!

The mission of the George H. Mitchell Elementary School Parents’ Association (GMSPA) is to provide enrichment, educational and recreational programs, as well as support services, through fundraising and volunteer efforts.

**GMSPA and this page have no affiliation with the 

Bridgewater-Raynham Regional School District**

Welcome Mitchell Monsters!

Meet our school mascot...

Mitch the Monster!

Named after beloved, George H Mitchell, former teacher and Principal in the BRRSD. Mr. Mitchell always endearingly referred to the students in his class as "Mitchell Monsters". Something his students fondly remember to this day. 

In 2022, GMES opened their brand new school building at 500 South Street. Mitch the Monster moved right on in and continues to motivate,  support and encourage the student of GMES!