Grace Missionary Baptist Church
Newville, Alabama
We Preach The Blood, The Book and the Blessed Hope
Our services are live on-line via Zoom as a convenience to those who cannot be with us in person. Email the pastor at with any questions.
Grace Missionary Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church. We hold to the Doctrines of God's Sovereign Grace.
The preaching of the Word is to take a central place when the Lord's people assemble. Our times together have a simple structure that includes prayer, Scripture reading, hymn singing and the proclamation of the Word. We make an effort to keep the worship service God-honoring and free from self promotion. We believe that God honors His Word and the pastor's primary duty is to preach it with the aid of the Holy Spirit.
We find the Second London Confession of Faith of 1689 closely harmonizes with our doctrinal positions.
We believe that God has an elect people chosen in Christ, the eternal Son of God, before the foundation of the world. We just as emphatically believe that the Lord Jesus commanded His church to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to all nations. We, therefore, include the word 'Missionary' in our church name and seek to be missionary minded.
We believe that the Lord Jesus established His church while He was here on the earth and promised two vital things concerning it that are the basis for our understanding that it has been and will be perpetuated:
The gates of hell would not prevail against it (Matt 16:18)
He would be with it to the end of the days (Matt 28:20)
We believe that the word 'church' is widely misunderstood today to mean a universal invisible entity to which all the saved belong. Of the over 100 times the Greek word for church, ecclesia, is used in the New Testament the vast majority of them without question refer to a local assembly. Accordingly, we strive to emphasize the local church's place in God's best for His people today.
We welcome those who are seeking the truth and those who have found Him who is Truth.
Second London Confession of Faith of 1689Email the Pastor
Meeting Times
All Times US CentralSunday:
First Service: 10 am Second Service: 11 amWednesday:
Bible Study: 7 pmLinks to Other ChurchesBlue Letter BibleDirections to
Effective August 6, 2017, we are meeting at our new location: 2330 County Road 18, Newville, Alabama 36353 (the intersection of Henry County roads 18 and 45).
Mailing Address: 2330 County Road 18, Newville, Alabama 36353