Tewkesbury Abbey Schola Cantorum Pictures 4

The following pictures were taken after the concert. There are some interesting anomalies in the following pictures that we can not explain. At first we thought there was some glow effects from a candle on one of the pictures but then from another picture in our files, we saw that the candles were never lit. We looked at lighting in the interior structure and it was not a lighting issue. So we then looked at the lens of the camera, it was not the lens either as pictures taken after these did not exhibit the same effects, plus the anomalies are not in the same areas on the various pictures. The anomalies look like light spots or water spots on the lens. We will not speculate what caused these anomalies in the following pictures, but we thought we would point them out. Update: The anomalies seen in these pictures are dust particles picked up by the lens of the camera. We were not using flash when taking these pictures, but the lighting was right to pick it up under the circumstances.