
Publications in Indexed International Journals (available HERE and in Researchgate):

[28] F. Orts, E. Filatovas, E.M. Garzón, G. Ortega. A quantum circuit to generate random numbers within a specific interval. EPJ Quantum Technology, 2023.

[27] F. Orts, E. Filatovas, G. Ortega, J.F. SanJuan-Estrada, E.M. Garzón. Improving the number of T gates and their spread in integer multipliers on quantum computing. Physical Review A, 2023.

[26] F. Orts, G. Ortega, E.F. Combarro, I.F. Rúa, A.M. Puertas, E.M. Garzón. Efficient design of a quantum absolute-value circuit using Clifford+T gates. The Journal of Supercomputing, 2023.

[25] L. Ortega, F. Orts, G. Ortega, V. Ruíz, E.M. Garzón. Fault-tolerant quantum algorithm for dual-threshold image segmentation. The Journal of Supercomputing, 2023.

[24] F. Orts, G. Ortega, E. Combarro, I.F. Rúa, E.M. Garzón. Optimized quantum leading zero detector circuits. Quantum Information & Computation, 2023.

[23] F. Orts, G. Ortega, E. Filatovas, E.M.Garzón. Implementation of three efficient 4-digit fault-tolerant quantum carry lookahead adders. J Supercomput (2022). doi= 10.1007/s11227-022-04401-x. (Q2)

[22] F. Orts, G. Ortega, A.C. Cucura, E. Filatovas, E.M.Garzón. Optimal fault-tolerant quantum comparators for image binarization. J Supercomput (2021). JCR(2019)= 2.469 (Q2)

[21] F. Orts, G. Ortega, E. Combarro, E.M. Garzón. A review on reversible quantum adders. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2020. Q1 (D1)

[20] F. Orts, G. Ortega, E.M. Garzón. Efficient reversible quantum design of sig-magnitude to two's complement converters. Quantum Information & Computation, 747-765 (2020). (Q3) 

[19] F. Orts, G. Ortega, E.M. Garzón, M. Fuchs, A.M. Puertas. Dynamics and friction of a large colloidal particle in a bath of hard spheres: Langevin dynamics simulations and hydrodynamic description. Phys. Rev. E 101, 052607, 2020 JCR(2019)= 2.296 (Q1).

[18] F. Orts, G. Ortega, E.M. Garzón, A.M. Puertas. On solving the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem: active microrheology as a case study. J Supercomput, 2020. Doi JCR(2019)= 2.469 (Q2)

[17] A. Gutierrez-Alcoba, E.M.T. Hendrix, G. Ortega, E.E. Halvorsen-Weare, D. Haugland. On offshore wind farm maintenance scheduling for decision support on vessel fleet composition, European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 279(1), pages 124-131, 2019. JCR(2019)= 4.213 (Q1).

[16]  F. Orts, G. Ortega and E.M. Garzón. An optimized quantum circuit for converting from sign–magnitude to two’s complement. Quantum Information Processing 18(11). 10.1007/s11128-019-2447-7 (Q1)

[15] F. Orts, G. Ortega, E. Filatovas, O. Kurasova, E.M. Garzón. Hyperspectral image classification using Isomap with SMACOF. Informatica. Volume 30, Number 2, pp. 349-365. DOI: 10.15388/Informatica.2019.209. 2019 (Q1)

[14] G. Ortega, E.M.T Hendrix and I. García. A CUDA approach to compute perishable inventory control policies using Value Iteration. 2018. Journal of Supercomputing. doi: 10.1007/s11227-018-2692-z (Q2)

[13] F. Orts, G. Ortega, E.M. Garzón and A.M. Puertas. Finite size effects in active microrheology in colloids. Comput. Phys. Commun Vol 236 pp 8-14, 2019. JCR(2019)=3.627 (Q1) 

[12]   J.J. Moreno, G. Ortega, E. Filatovas, J.A. Martínez and E.M. Garzón. Improving the performance and energy of Non-Dominated Sorting for Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization on GPU/CPU platforms. Journal of Global Optimization. Volume 71, Issue 3, pp 631–649. 2018 (Q1) 

[11] F. Orts, E. Filatovas, G. Ortega, O. Kurasova and E.M. Garzón. Improving the Energy-Efficiency of SMACOF for Multidimensional Scaling on Modern Architectures. Journal of Supercomputing. 2018. doi: 10.1007/s11227-018-2285-x (Q2)

[10] A. Gutierrez-Alcoba, G. Ortega,  E.M.T Hendrix and I García. Accelerating an algorithm for perishable inventory control on heterogeneous platforms. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. Volume 104, June  Pages 12-18, 2017  (Q2)

[9] G. Ortega,  E. Filatovas, E.M. Garzón and L. G. Casado. Non-dominated sorting procedure for Pareto dominance ranking on multicore CPU and/or GPU. Journal of Global Optimization. Volume 69, Issue 3, pp 607–627, 2017 (Q2)

[8] J.J. Moreno, G. Ortega, E. Filatovas, J.A. Martínez and E.M. Garzón. Using low-power platforms for evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithms. The Journal of Supercomputing. Volume 73, Issue 1, pp 302–315, 2017 (Q2)

[7] G. Ortega, A.Puertas and E.M. Garzón. Accelerating the problem of microrheology in colloidal systems on a GPU. The Journal of Supercomputing. Volume 73, Issue 1, pp 370–383, 2017 (Q2)

[6] J. Lobera, G. Ortega, I. García, M.P. Arroyo and E.M. Garzón. High performance computing for a 3-D optical diffraction tomographic application in fluid velocimetry. Optics Express 02/2015; 23(4). DOI:10.1364/OE.23.004021. (Q1)

[5] G. Ortega, J. Lobera, I. García, M.P. Arroyo and E.M. Garzón. Parallel resolution of the 3D Helmholtz equation based on multi-graphics processing unit clusters. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 27 - 13, pp. 3205 - 3219. John Wiley &Sons Ltd, 2015.  (Q3).

[4] G. Ortega, F.M. Vázquez, I. García and E.M. Garzón. FastSpMM: An Efficient Library for Sparse Matrix Matrix Product on GPUs. Computer journal. 57 - 7, pp. 968 - 979. 2013.  (Q3).

[3] J.A. Piedra, G. Ortega; J. Wang and M. Cantón. Fuzzy Content-Based Image Retrieval for Oceanic Remote Sensing. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 52 - 9, pp. 5422 - 5431. 2013.  (Q1).

[2] S. Tabik, G. Ortega and E.M. Garzón. Performance evaluation of kernel fusion BLAS routines on the GPU: iterative solvers as case study. The Journal of Supercomputing. 67- 1, pp. 577 - 587. Springer, 2014. (Q2).

[1] G. Ortega; F.M. Vázquez; I. García and E.M. Garzón. The Biconjugate gradient method on GPUs. The Journal of Supercomputing. 49-58. Springer, 2013.  (Q2).

Publications in other International Journals:

[2] F. Orts, G. Ortega, E.M. Garzón. A faster half subtractor circuit using reversible quantum gates. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, 2019. 

[1] EMT Hendrix, G. Ortega, R. Haijema, M. Buissman, I. García. On computing optimal policies in Perishable Inventory Control using Value Iteration. Computational and Mathematical Methods Journal.  2019

International conferences (available in Researchgate):

[22] A.G. Alcoba, G. Ortega, E.M.T. Hendrix and I. García (2018) Modelling vessel fleet composition for maintenance operations at offshore wind farms. ECOS 2018 - 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy system.

[21] A.G. Alcoba, E.M.T. Hendrix, G. Ortega, D. Haugland and E.E. Halvorsen-Waere (2017), On location and vessel fleet composition for offshore wind farm maintenance <>,  M. Baldomero-Naranjo et al. (Eds): VIII International workshop on locational analysis and related problems, ISBN: 978-84-697-5263-0, Segovia, pp. 39-40

[20] E.M.T Hendrix,  A.G. Alcoba, I. Garcia, D. Haugland, E.E Halvorsen-Waere and G. Ortega (2017), On generating a fleet composition for offshore wind farm maintenance operations <>, N. Kliewer et al. (Eds): OR2017, Berlin, pp. 69

[19] A.G. Alcoba, G. Ortega, E.M.T. Hendrix, E.E. Halvorsen-Waere and D. Haugland (2017), A model for optimal fleet composition of vessels for offshore wind farm maintenance <>, Procedia Computer Science, 108, 1512-1521. 2017.

[18] F. Orts, E. Filatovas, G. Ortega, O. Kurasova, E.M. Garzón, HPC Tool for Multidimensional Scaling,  Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2017 Vol. 5, pp. 1611-1614, 4-8 July 2017.

[17] J.J Moreno, G.Ortega, E. Filatovas, J.A. Martínez and E.M. Garzón. Improving the energy efficiency of Evolutionary Multiobjective algorithms.  Chapter Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing. Volume 10049 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 62-75. ICA3PP Conference. Granada (Spain) 14--16 December 2016. (CORE B)

[16] G. Ortega, A.M.Puertas, F.J. de Las Nieves and E.M. Garzón. GPU Computing to Speed-Up the Resolution of Microrheology Models. Chapter Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel ProcessingVolume 10048 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 457-466. ICA3PP Conference. Granada (Spain) 14--16 December 2016. (CORE B)

[15] S. Tabik, G. Ortega, E.M. Garzón and D. Suárez. A Data Partitioning Model for Highly Heterogeneous Systems. Euro-Par 2016: Parallel Processing Workshops. Grenoble France. August 2016 (CORE A)

[14] F. Vazquez, G. Ortega, J.J. Fernandez, and E.M. Garzon. Improving the performance of the sparse matrix vector product with GPUs. In 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology. CIT 2010, pages 1146-1151. IEEE Computer Society, 2010.

[13] J.J. Moreno, G. Ortega, E. Filatovas, J.A. Martínez and Ester M. Garzón. Evaluation of an Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization algorithm on a ARM+GPU system. CMMSE. pp. 893-897. ISBN: 978-84-608-6082-2. July 2016

[12] G. Ortega, A. Puertas and E.M. Garzón. Accelerating Microrheology models on HPC architectures. CMMSE 2016. pp. 932-937. ISBN: 978-84-608-6082-2. July 2016.

[11] G. Ortega, J.J. Moreno, E. Filatovas, J.A. Martínez and E.M. Garzón Energy-Aware Computation of Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization. GOW. Braga. September. 2016

[10] Parallelization of the Non-Dominated Sorting Procedure, Proceedings of 27th European Conference on Operational Research EURO. (Core C), Glasgow. 12/07/2015.

[9] Gutiérrez; E. M. Hendrix; I García; G. Ortega; K. Pauls; R. Haijema. On Computing Order Quantities for Perishable Inventory Control with Non-stationary Demand. Computational Science and Its Applications. Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2015. Volume 9156 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science I - 9156, pp. 429 - 444. Springer, 2015. CORE C

[8] G. Ortega; J. Lobera, I. García, E.M. Garzón and MP Arroyo. Non-Linear iterative optimization method for locating particles using HPC techniques. D. an Mey et al. (Eds.): Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops. Volume 8805 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 227-238. Springer International Publishing. 2014. CORE A

[7] G. Ortega; I. García and E.M. Garzón. A Hybrid Approach for Solving the 3D Helmholtz Equation on Heterogeneous Platforms. D. an Mey et al. (Eds.): Euro-Par 2013 Workshops, Volume 8374 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science.pp. 198 -207. CORE A

[6] Ortega, E.M. Garzón, B. Pérez, J.L. Bosque, R Beivide. Evaluation of load balancing methods for irregular data parallel applications on heterogeneous systems. In proceedings of CMMSE 2015. pp. 883-892. ISBN: 978-84-617-2230-3.

[5] Exploiting the regularity of differential operators to accelerate solutions of PDEs on GPUs. Name of the conference: The 11th International Conference on Mathematical Methods In Science and engineering. pp. 908 - 917. ISBN 978-84-614-6167-7.

Benidorm, Alicante, Spain. 26/06/2011.

[4] High Performance Computing for Optical Diffraction Tomography. En: Proceedings of the International Conference On High Performance Computing & Simulation (2012 HPCS). 1, pp. 195 - 201. Leganés, España, 02/07/2012. CORE B

[3] Fast sparse matrix matrix product based on ELLR-T and GPU computing. En: 2012 10th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications. 1, pp. 669 – 674. ISBN 978-1-4673-1631-6, Madrid, España . 10/07/2012. CORE B

[2] Exploration of a HPC approach for coherent tomography. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. 4, pp. 1109 - 1113. ISBN 978-84-616-2723-3. Almería, España, 24/07/2013

[1] F. Vazquez, G. Ortega, J.J. Fernandez, and E.M. Garzon. Evaluating the sparse matrix vector product on multi-GPUs. In 10th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. CMMSE, pages 961-972, 2010.

National Conferences:

[7] F. Orts, G. Ortega, A.M. Puertas, & E.M. Garzón. Planificando un problema de microreología en un clúster Multi-GPU. XXVIII Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP2017),  19-22 September 2017, Málaga, Spain.

[6] G. Ortega, J.M.G. Salmerón, C. Medina-López, J.L. Redondo, J.F.R. Herrera, N.C. Cruz, G. Barrionuevo, P.M. Ortigosa, V. González-Ruiz y E.M. Garzón. Procesadores de bajo coste y su aplicación en la docencia de Ingeniería de Computadores. En Actas de las XXII JENUI, pp. 343-349, 6-8 Julio, Almería, España, 2016.

[5] Acelerando el procedimiento Non-Dominated Sorting como clave de la optimización multiobjetivo. Jornadas de Paralelismo, Córdoba, Spain, Fecha de celebración: 23/09/2015.

[4] G. Ortega, J. Lobera, I. García, M.P. Arroyo, and E.M. Garzón. Localizando partículas en un fluido a partir de holografías y computación de altas prestaciones. In Proc. of the XXV Jornadas de Paralelismo, pp: 237-244, isbn = 978-84-697-0329-3, Valladolid, Spain, 2014.

[3] Recursos para motivar el estudio de la Ingenieria de Computadores. VIII Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente en la UAL. Almería, Andalusia, Spain. 19/06/2014.

[2]  G. Ortega, E.M. Garzón, F. Vázquez, and I. García. Evaluacion del metodo del Gradiente Biconjugado para matrices dispersas en GPUs. In Actas de las XXII Jornadas de Paralelismo, pages 135–140, La Laguna, Septiembre 2011

[1] G. Ortega, J.A. Martínez, E.M. Garzón, A. Plaza, and I. García. ADITHE: An approach to optimise iterative computation on heterogeneous multiprocessors. In Actas de las XX Jornadas de Paralelismo, pages 385–390, Coruña, Septiembre 2009.