Annotated refs


(Denney et al. 1985) Modeling the thermal adaptability of the olive (Olea europaea L.) in Texas. Damage index.

(Palese et al. 2000) Dry matter fruit/plant, LAI, harvest.

(De Melo-Abreu et al. 2004) Modelling olive flowering date using chilling for dormancy release and thermal time. With global warming scenarios.

(Martin 1990) Reference number for flowers and fruits per tree.

(Stutte and Martin 1986) Carbohydrate reserves do not limit flower induction in olive during chilling.

(Mariscal et al. 2000) Radiation use efficiency and dry matter partitioning.

(Vitagliano and Sebastiani 2002) Environmental stress (water deficit, salinity, low temperatures, atmospheric pollutants)

(Mancuso et al. 2002) Modelling olive phenology with comparison of phenological phases between cultivars.

(Osborne et al. 2000) DD model and climate change scenarios for Mediterranean basin

(Nieddu et al. 2002) Olive phenology in two Sardinian cultivars.

(Sanz-Cortés et al. 2002) Phenological phases in olive.

(Bongi 2002) Heat and cold tolerance.

(Fiorino 2003) Olive encyclopaedia: several things on the plant.

(Tombesi 1990) Olive harvest, fruit weight dynamics.

(Alfei et al. 1999) Phenology of several Italian cultivars.

(Orlandi et al. 2002) Chilling units.

(Proietti et al. 1994) Evolution of fruit dry matter.

(Pastor and Humanes 1990) Plant density and yield.

(Abdel-Razik 1989) Olive model from Egypt.

Olive fly

(Bigler et al. 1986) Inverse density-dependent response of natural enemies.

(Michelakis 1990) Phenology of olive fly in Crete.

(Cavalloro and Delrio 1975) Distribution and survival of pupae in the soil.

(Bigler 1982a) Importance of wild olive (oleaster) for olive fly infestation in Crete.

(Bigler and Delucchi 1981b) Prepupal mortality of olive fly in wild and cultivated olive in Crete (with natural enemies).

(Bigler and Delucchi 1981a) Prepupal mortality of olive fly in wild and cultivated olive in Crete

(Bigler 1982b) Postlarval mortality of olive fly in wild and cultivated olive in Crete.

(Crovetti et al. 1982) Egg-adult survival as influenced by temperature and RH.

(Fletcher and Kapatos 1983) Development times for eggs, larvae, and pupae in the lab.

(Girolami and Strapazzon 1981) Host plant attraction and fecundity regulation.

(Ricci and Ambrosi 1981) Oviposition and size of olive fruit.

(Pitzalis 1985) Phenology model of olive fly based on day-degrees.

(Economopoulos et al. 1976a) Fecundity (sterile male)

(Economopoulos et al. 1976c) Egg hatchability over time.

(Cavalloro and Delrio 1971) Fecundity in the lab.

(Rice et al. 2003) Olive fly populations in Central and Southern California.

(Delrio and Cavalloro 1977) Population dynamics in Liguria.

(Fletcher and Kapatos 1981) Dispersal in Corfu. Cites the next one:

(Fletcher et al. 1978) Ovaries start maturing in mid-July if they are stimulated by fruit.

(Crovetti et al. 1986) DD forecast model: interesting for thresholds and parameters.

(Cavalloro et al. 1975) Mathematical model.

(Gilioli 2002) Various 3D function shapes.

(Petacchi et al. 2002) GIS in olive IPM.

(Pucci et al. 1981) Larval mortality, pupation, and parasitization.

(Petacchi et al. 2001) Olive fly in Liguria.

(Koveos 2001) Rapid cold hardening, plasticity to cold.

(Raspi et al. 2002) Photoperiod, reproductive diapuase.

(Crovetti et al. 1981) Egg development.

(Zervas 1982) Reproductive maturation

(Kapatos and Fletcher 1986) Mortality of immature stages in Corfu.

(Delrio and Prota 1988) Mortality, infestation without harverst.

(Economopoulos et al. 1976b) Main paper on fecundity

(Collier and Steenwyk 2003) Olive fly IPM in California.

(Kapatos and Fletcher 1984) Phenology in Corfu without harvest.

(Girolami 1979) Growth rates, fecundity, mortality.

(Dalla Marta et al. 2004) Integration of GIS and modelling in Tuscany.


(Messenger 1961, 1970) Bioclimatic zones in California.


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Bigler, F. 1982a. The importance of the oleaster for the attack of olives by the olive fly, Dacus oleae Gmel. (Dipt., Tephritidae) in western Crete. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 94:199-208.

Bigler, F. 1982b. Post-larval mortality of the olive fly, Dacus oleae Gmel. (Dipt., Tephritidae) in oleaster areas of western Crete. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 93:76-89.

Bigler, F., and V. Delucchi. 1981a. Evaluation of the prepupal mortality of the olive fly, Dacus oleae Gmel. (Dipt., Tephritidae), on oleasters and olive trees in western Crete, Greece. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 92:189-201.

Bigler, F., and V. Delucchi. 1981b. The main mortality factors during the prepupal development of the olive fly, Dacus oleae Gmel. (Dipt., Tephritidae) on oleasters and cultivated olives in Western Crete, Greece. Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 92:343-363.

Bigler, F., P. Neuenschwander, V. Delucchi, and S. Michelakis. 1986. Natural enemies of preimaginal stages of Dacus oleae Gmel. (Dipt., Tephritidae) in Western Crete. II. Impact on olive fly populations. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria "Filippo Silvestri", Italy 43:79-96.

Bongi, G. 2002. Freezing avoidance in olive tree (Olea europaea L.): from proxies to targets of action. Advances in Horticultural Science 16:117-124.

Cavalloro, R., and G. Delrio. 1971. Sidelights on the sexual behaviour of Dacus oleae Gmelin (Diptera, Trypetidae) in the laboratory. Redia 52:201-230.

Cavalloro, R., and G. Delrio. 1975. Observations on the distribution and survival of the pupae of Dacus oleae Gmelin in the soil. Redia 56:167-175.

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Collier, T. R., and R. A. v. Steenwyk. 2003. Prospects for integrated control of olive fruit fly are promising in California. California Agriculture 57:28-30.

Crovetti, A., G. Loi, F. Quaglia, and A. Belcari. 1981. Influence of constant temperature on embryonic development of olive-fruit fly (Dacus oleae Gmel.). Frustula Entomologica 17:83-91.

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Crovetti, A., F. Quaglia, and E. Rossi. 1986. The heat-units accumulation method for forecasting the Dacus oleae (Gmelin) life-cycle: results of a study carried out in a biotope of the southern Tuscany during the years 1978-1982. Frustula Entomologica 9:109-117.

Dalla Marta, A., S. Orlandini, P. Sacchetti, and A. Belcari. 2004. Olea europaea: integration of GIS and simulation modelling to define a map of "dacic attack risk" in Tuscany. Advances in Horticultural Science 18:168-172.

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Delrio, G., and R. Cavalloro. 1977. Findings on the life-cycle and on the population dynamics of Dacus oleae Gmelin in Liguria. Redia 60:221-253.

Delrio, G., and R. Prota. 1988. Determinants of abundance in a population of the olive fruit-fly. Frustula Entomologica 11:47-55.

Denney, J. O., G. R. McEachern, and J. F. Griffiths. 1985. Modeling the thermal adaptability of the olive (Olea europaea L.) in Texas. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 35:309.

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