CI/CD Industry Workshop (CCIW) 2020

ICST 2020 CI/CD Industry Workshop Call for Presentations

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) are increasingly widespread throughout the technology sector. As large engineering organizations adopt CI/CD they are often met with scalability challenges. What works for small teams has not proven to work for large teams. This workshop invites practitioners and academics to come together and informally discuss the challenges and opportunities in build, test, and release automation.

Hosted as part of ICST

This workshop is part of ICST 2020.

Workshop Format

    • Presentations (20 min + 5 min for questions), 6 total

    • Panel Discussion

    • Lunch

Types of Submissions

    • Abstracts for 20 min presentations

Topics of Interest

    • Large Scale Continuous Integration and/or Continuous Delivery

    • Testing practices for CI/CD

    • Flaky tests and non-determinism

    • Test selection for CI

    • Test result prediction

    • Mutation testing for CI

    • Culprit finding and fault localization (in the context of CI)

    • Build and test breakage response

    • Automatic recovery (or repair) for build and test breakage

    • Prevention of breakages in master/trunk

    • Visualization

    • Release practices

    • Emergency response using CI/CD

    • Using slow (or resource intensive) tests in CI/CD

    • Machine learning applications CI/CD

    • Using CI/CD with a Monorepo

    • Using CI/CD with many small collaborating repositories

    • Version management in CI/CD

    • Dependency management and upgrades with CI/CD

How to Submit

Via easy chair:

Important Dates

    • Submission of Abstracts: February 3, 2020 (by midnight AOE)

    • Notification of Acceptance: February 17, 2020

    • Workshop date: March 23th, 2020 - at ICST2020

Selection Process

A small Program Committee (PC) will be assembled to review the submitted abstracts. The review process will be a single blind process as we expect that abstracts may reveal the presenter's corporation, industry, or organization. Each abstract will be reviewed by 3 PC members and rated. The chairs of the PC will then make a final determination on the program for the workshop. The submitters of the rejected abstracts will be strongly encouraged to attend the workshop. All abstracts will receive written feedback and an overall rating along with the committee's decision.

Given the brevity of the abstracts, the PC may feel it needs more details during the selection process. If so, a PC Chair will contact the author asking for clarifications or elaborations and provide those back to the reviewers.

Organizing Committee

    • Tim A. D. Henderson, Google (Build, Test, Release), Sunnyvale, California,

    • John Micco, VMWare, Palo Alto, California,

    • Bao N. Nguyen, Apple, Cupertino, California,